Super Smash Bros. Wildverse/Unlockables (2025)

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Here is a List of Unlockables in Super Smash Bros. Wildverse.


  • 1 Modes
  • 2 Playable Fighters
  • 3 Alternate Costumes
  • 4 Stages
  • 5 Masterpieces
  • 6 Pokéball and Master Ball Pokémon
  • 7 Assist Trophies
  • 8 Trophies
  • 9 Stickers
  • 10 Music


ModeHow to Unlock
All-Star ModeUnlock all Playable Fighters.
Boss BattlesBeat the Story Mode or Beat all Bosses in Classic Mode.

Playable Fighters[]

Each character can be unlocked via any one of three methods: by playing a given number of Vs. matches, in Into the Multiverse, or by meeting a different unlock requirement. When using a different unlock method, they must first be defeated in a 1-stock match.

ImageUnlockable FighterHow to UnlockNumber of MatchesUnlock Location
MeowthClear Classic Mode as Pikachu on 5.0 Intensity5Pokémon Stadium
WarioWin 5 Coin Matches10Wario's Throne Room
Dr. MarioClear Classic Mode as Mario on 2.0 Intensity15Virus Jar
IsabelleCollect 50 Stickers20Town and City
Duck Hunt DuoClear Board the Platforms with 20 Characters.25Duck Hunt
Electivire30Sunyshore City
Bayonetta35Umbra Clock Tower
GooeyWin 10 Team Battles.40Dark Castle
Magmortar45Sinnoh Pokémon League
DaisyWin 10 Sports Matches50Coconut Mall
Alucard55Dracula's Castle
Raichu60Pewter City
Metal SonicClear Race to the Finish with 10 Characters.65Stardust Speedway
DanteDo a 25 or more Combo.70Temen-ni-gru
Young Link75Great Bay
Gengar80Lavender Town
Min-Min85Ramen Bowl
Shovel Knight90Tower of Fate
King K. RoolClear Event Match "Three Trouble Kings".95Gangplank Galleon
Black Knight100Castle Siege
GardevoirReflect 5 Projectiles105Sky Pillar
IoriClear Rival Smash as Kyo.110Abandoned Factory
Marx115Fountain of Dreams
Scizor120Bell Tower
Petey125Bianco Hills
Knuckles130Sky Sanctuary Zone
Richter135Underground Cavern
Garchomp140Sinnoh Pokémon League
ArleClear Event Match "Elemental Masters".145Primp Town
Dark Meta Knight150Rainbow Route
Weavile155Snowpoint City
Porky160New Pork City
Toon Link165Pirate Ship
HeracrossConsume a Honeycomb from the Beehive Item170Azalea Town
Elma175New Los Angeles
King Boo180Hotel Resort
Lucario185Spear Pillar
Paper Mario190Glitz Pit
Ridley195Ridley's Lair
Zoroark200Unova Pokémon League
Lucas205Tazmily Village
ChromDo 5 Counters.210Arena Ferox
Hawlucha215Friend Safari
Piranha PlantDefeat 25 Enemies in Smash Run.220Mushroomy Kingdom
PatamonConsume a Tea Item in a Vs. Match.225File City
AegislashWin 10 Matches with Characters that have Gimmicks.230Kalos Pokémon League
Kumatora240Osohe Castle
MimikyuCopy Abilities 10 Times.245Alolan Pokémon League
Lucina250Arena Ferox
Pyra/Mythra255Cloud Sea of Alrest
Gallade260Sinnoh Pokémon League
Knight265City of Tears
PichuUse a Self-Damaging Move 10 Times275Olivine City
Dark Pit280Reset Bomb Forest
Shadow285Radical Highway
Croagunk290Great Marsh
Geese300Geese Tower
Machamp305Ferrum Dojo
Dark Samus310Sky Temple Gateway
Akuma315Kosuyu Street
Kazuya320Eternal Darkness
Breloom325Hoenn Pokémon League
Bowser Jr.330Delfino Plaza
Ganondorf335Hyrule Castle (64)
Mai340Aokigahara - Sea of Trees
Tyranitar345Pokémon Colosseum
Wolf350Lylat Cruise
Rosalina & Luma355Comet Observatory
Jin360Tiger Dojo Tokyo
Kefka365Kefka's Tower
Mewtwo370Cerulean Cave
Octoling375Deepsea Metro
SephirothClear 100-Man Smash with Cloud.380Northern Cave
Suicune385Burned Tower
Reimu390Hakurei Shrine
Yu395Midnight Channel
Darkrai400Newmoon Island
Shantae405Scuttle Town
Raiden415Shell Connecting Bridge
Pheromosa420Verdant Cavern
Louie425Wistful Wild
Tracer430Watchpoint: Gibraltar
Master Chief435Halo

Alternate Costumes[]

ImageUnlockable Alternate CostumesHow to Unlock
Dr. LuigiComplete Classic Mode as Dr. Mario On 2.0 Intensity or Higher.
Ludwig Von Koopa
Morton Koopa Jr.
Roy Koopa
Wendy O' Koopa
Larry Koopa
Lemmy Koopa
Iggy Koopa


ImageUnlockable StageHow to Unlock
Meta CrystalClear Classic Mode on 7.0 Intensity or Higher.
25mDo 50 Vs. Matches.
Gangplank GalleonUnlock King K. Rool.
Mt. DededeWin a Match on Boxing Ring as King Dedede.
Distortion WorldDefeat Giratina as a Boss.
Devil's MachineSelf-Destruct as Ness 10 Times.
Garrag Mach MonasteryClear Event Match "The Substitute".
Flat Zone XUnlock Mr. Game & Watch.
GyromiteClear Classic Mode or All-Star Mode as R.O.B.
Duck HuntUnlock Duck Hunt Duo.
Urban Champion: StreetsClear Classic Mode with a High Score 550,000 or More.
Underground CavernClear Classic Mode With Simon, Alucard and Richter.
Stardust SpeedwayUnlock Metal Sonic.
Sky Sanctuary ZoneWin 20 Team Battles as Sonic and Knuckles.
Radical HighwayWin 15 Matches as Shadow.
Kefka's TowerUnlock Kefka.
Northern CaveUnlock Sephiroth.
The World That Never WasBeat Classic Mode as Sora on 5.0 Intensity or Higher.


MasterpieceHow to Unlock
Dr. MarioUnlock Dr. Mario.
EarthboundClear Classic Mode as Ness.

Pokéball and Master Ball Pokémon[]

ImagePokéball/Master Ball PokémonHow to Unlock
Alolan RaichuClear Classic Mode or All-Star Mode as Raichu.
Alolan SandslashSummon Sandslash for the First time.
Galarian PonytaSummon Ponyta for the First time.
MukDefeat 10 Grimers in either Smash Run or Into the Multiverse.
Alolan MukEither Summon Muk for the first time or defeat 10 Alolan Grimers.
Alolan MarowakSummon Marowak for the first time.
WeezingDefeat 10 Koffings in either Smash Run or Into the Multiverse.
Galarian WeezingSummon Weezing for the First time.
StarmineSummon Staryu for the First time.
GenesectClear All Star Mode on Normal or Higher.
TyrantrumDefeat 15 Tyrunts in either Smash Run or Into the Multiverse.

Assist Trophies[]

Assist TrophyHow to Unlock
Hammer Bro.Defeat 20 Hammer Bros in either Smash Run or Into the Multiverse.
KlaptrapDefeat 30 Klaptraps in either Smash Run or Into the Multiverse.
MetroidDefeat 10 Metroids in either Smash Run or Into the Multiverse.
CamillaClear Classic Mode as Corrin, while wearing the Black outfit.
Silver the HedgehogUnlock Shadow.
RodinClear Classic Mode on 5.0 Intensity or Higher as Bayonetta.
Jack FrostDefeat 40 Jack Frosts in either Smash Run or Into the Multiverse.
Demitri MaximoffComplete Rival Smash as Morrigan.
Aerith GainsboroughDefeat Mii Mage (Aerith) with Sephiroth in a Stamina Match.
Rock HowardUnlock Geese.
Risky BootsClear Classic Mode as Shantae.


TrophyHow to Unlock
FawfulClear All-Star Mode on Normal Difficulty.
Moon (Zelda)Clear Event Match "Dawn of the Final Day".
ToxicroakClear Classic Mode as Croagunk.
ViridiWin 10 Matches on Reset Bomb Forest.
The BossClear Event Match "Operation Snake Eater".
MephilesClear Smash Run as Shadow.
TifaClear All-Star Mode as Cloud.


StickerHow to Unlock
CacklettaClear Classic Mode without continues.
HinawaClear Classic Mode as Lucas.
Black DoomClear Boss Battles as Shadow.
Zack FairClear 100-Man Smash as Cloud and Sephiroth.


MusicOrigin GamePlayed OnHow to Unlock
Menu 2 (Melee)Super Smash Bros. MeleeMenuUnlock All Playable Fighters.
Credits (SSB64)Super Smash Bros. 64Final DestinationClear Into the Multiverse.
Vs. BossSuper Mario SunshineRicco HillsUnlock Petey Piranha.
Pokey Means BusinessEarthbound/Mother 2Devil's MachineUnlock Porky.
Battle Against The Masked ManEarthbound 2/Mother 3Tazmily VillageClear Boss Battles as Lucas.
Against the Black KnightFire Emblem: Path of RadianceCastle SiegeUnlock Black Knight.
Dark Pit's ThemeKid Icarus: UprisingReset Bomb ForestUnlock Dark Pit.
Boss BattlePikmin 2Valley of ReposeClear Boss Battles as Olimar.
Don't WorryXenoblade Chronicles XNew Los AngelesComplete Event Match "Release the Skell!".
Black TarXenoblade Chronicles XNew Los AngelesClear Boss Battles as Elma.
The key we've lostXenoblade Chronicles XNew Los AngelesClear Smash Run as Elma.
This MachineSonic HeroesRadical HighwayClear All-Star Mode as Shadow.

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Super Smash Bros. Wildverse/Unlockables (2025)


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