Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (2025)

Table of Contents
Erlang, the Sacred Divinity Bullguard (Chief) Guangzhi (Chief) Wandering Wight [MISSABLE] Lingxuzi (King) Guangmou (Chief) Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang Whiteclad Noble Elder Jinchi (King) – Secret Boss Black Wind King (King) Black Bear Guai (King) – CHAPTER 1 ENDBOSS The Red Loong (King) Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw (Chief) Earth Wolf (Chief) Second Rat Prince & King of Flowing Sands First Prince of Flowing Sands Mother of Stone (Chief) Man-in-Stone (Character) Tiger Vanguard (King) Tiger’s Acolyte Stone Vanguard (King) Shigandang Gore-Eye Daoist Mad Tiger Yellow-Robed Squire (Secret Boss) “Tiger Vanguard” (Secret Boss) Fuban (King) BlackLoong (King) Yellow Wind Sage (King) – CHAPTER 2 ENDBOSS Macaque Chief 1 Kang-Jin Loong (King) CaptainLotus-Vision (Chief) Captain Wise-Voice (King) Macaque Chief 2 Kang-Jin Star (King) CyanLoong (King) Apramana Bat (Chief) [MISSABLE] Chen Loong Yin Tiger Non-White (Chief) Lang-Li-Guhh-Lang (Chief) Non-Able (Chief) Green-Capped Martialist Old Ginseng Guai Captain Kalpa-Wave Monk from the Sea Non-Pure Non-Void (Chief) (Quest Boss) Yellowbrow + Macaque Chief– CHAPTER 3 ENDBOSS The Second Sister Elder Amourworm Venom Daoist (Encounter 1) Centipede Guai Buddha’s Right Hand Yellow Loong Baw-Li-Guhh-Baw Zhu Bajie Violet Spider Commander Beetle Fungiwoman Venom Daoist (Encounter 2) The Scorpionlord (King) [MISSABLE] Daoist Mi (Character) [MISSABLE] Duskveil (King) Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master (King) – CHAPTER 4 ENDBOSS Pale-Axe Stalwart Brown-Iron Cart Father of Stones Gray-Bronze Cart Quick as Fire, Fast as Wind (Chief) Flint Chief (Chief) Cloudy Mist, Misty Cloud (Chief) Keeper of Flaming Mountains & Yin-Yang Fish Crimson-Silver Cart Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai Flint Vanguard Mother of Flamlings Rusty-Gold Cart Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top (Chief) Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast (King) Baw-Lang-lang Red Boy (King) Yaksha King (King) – CHAPTER 5 ENDBOSS Supreme Inspector (Character) Jiao-Loong of Waves Poison Chief (Chief) Water-Wood Beast (Chief) Son of Stones (Chief) Lang-Baw-Baw (Chief) Giant Shigandang Gold Armored Rhino (Chief) Cloudtreading Deer (Chief) Feng-Tail General (Chief) Emerald-Armed Mantis (Chief) Stone Monkey & The Great Sage’s Broken Shell – STORY ENDBOSS Secret True Endboss: Erlang, the Sacred Divinity + The Four Heavenly Kings + Erlang Shen References

Black Myth Wukongcontainsover 81 boss fights. ThisBlack Myth Wukong Boss Guidewill walk you through the best tactics to defeatall bosses in the game. They are listed in chronological order below. Please note that some bosses can be encountered in adifferent order depending on whatpath you visit first, this here is the optimal recommended order.

You can fast travel between chapters at any time fromKeeper’s Shrines. There’s still free-roam after the story. After the endboss you are put back in the Title Screen, here choose to Continue, it will spawn you before the final boss. You can still revisit all places from this point. Just don’t “Enter a New Cycle” in the Title Screen as thisstartsNew Game+ and overwrites your save with no way back.

The difficult bosses are always the ones at the end of the chapter. Other bosses are easier. Mostbosses can be defeated quickly by using a series of Spells. The best ones are A Pluck of Many > Immobilize > use Wandering Wight spirit to land a Spirit Attack > land a 1-hit combo while the boss is frozen > use Transformation and land heavy attacks. Then continue landing quick-attack combos and wait for Immobilize to recharge.

Erlang, the Sacred Divinity

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (1)

Location:Tutorial boss at start of the game


Strategy:Erlang acts as a tutorial boss to teach you the most basic combat moves. You can’t lose this fight because you have infinite health. During the fight there will be tutorial messages how to attack. Use Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (2) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (3) for light attacks, Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (4) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (5) for heavy attacks, Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (6) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (7) to dodge. To use spells, hold Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (8) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (9) and press one of the assigned buttons as seen on the right side of the screen. Other than that just hack away at him until his health is depleted, since you have infinite health yourself you can’t do anything wrong.


Bullguard (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (10)

Location: Chapter 1 >Forest of Wolves > Front Hills


Strategy:Bullguard is a horned monster wielding an axe. His attacks are slow and easy to dodge to the side. He doesn’t have much health either. He sometimes gets staggered by heavy attacks ( Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (11) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (12) ). This will throw him back and leaves him unable to do anything for a moment. You can charge up your heavy attack from a safe distance by holding Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (13) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (14) until your staff glows, then attack him with it to knock him down. Remember you can heal with Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (15) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (16) . Once he reaches half-health, a cutscene will trigger and you learn the Immobilize skill. You can then use it with Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (17) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (18) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (19) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (20) to freeze the enemy in place, then unleash a fast attack combo to deal lots of damage.

Reward:394 Will, 2 Yarn, Immobilize Spell

Guangzhi (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (21)

Location: Chapter 1 > Forest of Wolves >Outside the Forest> from this fast travel point take the left path, go across the wooden bridge and follow the torches along the path to reach the boss arena at the end.


Strategy:This boss is a wolven enemy wielding a flaming spear. He can be quite challenging on the first visit, but you can always come back later after getting stronger to make it easier. He uses long combos with his spear. Dodge all his attacks, then he is vulnerable to counter-attacks. Don’t try to land attacks while he is still doing his combo, it’s too risky. If he hits you 3-4 times you start burning, to put out the flames you must dodge 3-4 times. Always use the Immobilize spell as soon as it’s ready, then do a full combo of quick attacks. If you unlocked the “Force Unbound” skill from the Staff Stances you can run while charging a heavy attack. This allows you to stay at safe distance, then rush in and unload the heavy attack on the enemy, rinse and repeat (but don’t do this while he attacks). The fight is mainly about getting the dodge-timing right and then counter-attacking. Remember to heal with Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (22) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (23) .

Reward:567 Will, 1 Stone Spirit, Red Tides (transformation spell)

Wandering Wight [MISSABLE]

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (24)

Location:Chapter 1 > Forest of Wolves > Outside the Forest: from the shrine take the path straight ahead and you’ll find this boss wandering on the path, he has a big stone head. MISSABLE: This enemy disappears after beating the Secret Chapter 1 boss “Elder Jinchi”. However, he respawns in New Game+ and he drops his spirit again if you missed him in the first playthrough.


Strategy:Wandering Wight is a big enemy with a stone head. You should first have beatenGuangzhi in the same area to unlock the transformation spell, which makes this fight a bit easier. Start the fight with a running heavy attack. Then use Immobilize spell. Use quick-attack combos only. The final hit of each quick-attack combo will stagger the boss. This can be done up to 3 times in a row. However, watch your stamina bar, if you run out of stamina you won’t be able to complete the combo. The boss will be unable to do anything as he stays staggered, but you HAVE TO land with the final hit of the quick-attack combo to do it. This will take most of his health. After staggering him he will be immune to it for about a minute. After you landed your combos at the start of the fight, cast the Transformation spell that you unlocked from theGuangzhi boss, then use only the heavy attacks. It will deal a good amount of damage. By doing this you will take half the boss’s health before he has a chance to attack you! His attacks consist of some melee strikes, a long range wind attack from his hand, and he will sometimes create shockwaves on the floor. If he touches the ground to create shockwaves, run away immediately. He will do 4 shockwaves, each one covers a wider area than the previous one. After this you can rush in and land a heavy running attack. Let your Immobilize spell recharge and then do another 3 quick-attack combos in a row to stagger the boss. You can also use the environment to your advantage, you can run around the tree/rocks on the left and right in big circles. The boss can’t attack you through them (except with his glowing floor shockwave), this gives you time for Immobilize to recharge. Overall, while this boss hits hard, he staggers easily and has slow attacks.

Reward:755 Will, 3 Yarn, Cat Eye Beads (curios equipment/accessory), Wandering Wight Spirit (can only be collected if you’ve already advance the story toBamboo Grove > Snake Trail and obtained the Blessed Gourd. If you haven’t yet, then the Spirit can be collected later from any Shrine after unlocking the Blessed Gourd. So don’t worry, if you didn’t pick up his spirit simply check later at Keeper Shrines, all spirits you didn’t pick up show up there).IMPORTANT: This enemy disappears after beating the Secret Chapter 1 boss “Elder Jinchi”. However, he respawns in New Game+ and he drops his spirit again if you missed him in the first playthrough.

Lingxuzi (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (25)

Location:Chapter 1 > Forest of the Wolves > Guanyin Temple


Strategy:Lingxuzi is a big white wolf. Start the fight by using the Immobilize spell. Then unleash a heavy attack and some quick attacks untl he unfreezes. The spell automatically recharges so if you wanted to keep it super simple you can just run away from the boss and wait for the spell to recharge, then punish him with it. If you haven’t crafted any upgraded armor yet, you can do so at theshrine before the boss to make it easier (gives you better defense stats to take less damage). He mainly uses sweeping attacks with his claws, dodge sideways. Sometimes he uses his mouth to attack but it has very short range and is easy to avoid by walking sideways in circles around him the entire time. After he misses an attack, or if he runs in circles, always use quick attacks on him. You can mix in a heavy attack if it’s charged. If health gets low remember to heal ( Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (26) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (27) ). But remember that you will walk slowly and be an easy target while healing. It’s best to let your health get low first and then heal twice in a row, instead of healing each time you take a little bit of damage. Healing twice in a row saves time and you can play more aggressively. Just focus on dodging his claw swipes to the side, then always follow up wth some quick attacks, use Immobilize spell whenever it’s recharged. If you find it too difficult, spend some time repeatedly killing the weaker enemies leading to the boss to buy skills and craft better armor at a shrine.

Reward:754Will, Grey Wolf Mask (headgear), 3 Yarn, Mind Core (material)

Guangmou (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (28)

Location: Chapter 1 > Bamboo Grove > Snake Trail: when facing this fast travel point, jump over the cliffs on the left to get to the lower area where a river is. Then turn right, go past a snake enemy, it leads to a big bamboo wood area. Follow the paved path to the end of the area past two torches to reach this boss.


Strategy:This boss uses a combination of ranged orb projectiles and spraying poison at you. Open the fight by running towards him and doing a heavy attack (best with “Force Unbound” skill from Staff Stances), then use Immobilize spell and unleash a full quick-attack combo. If you defeated the boss “Guangzhi” earlier, you can transform into him and attack with Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (29) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (30) heavy attacks to deal lots of damage and burn the enemy. This is extremely powerful and will take over half his health before he has a chance to attack you.When he falls to half health he will summon little snake heads from the ground that shoot poison projectiles at you. As soon as he says “boys greet our visitor”, stop locking onto the boss and kill the small snake heads first. They shoot projectiles quickly and if you run out of stamina you’d get hit and poisoned by them. They die in 1 hit. After a while the remaining ones disappear automatically. By this point your Immobilize spell should have recharged, use it to stun the boss again to finish him off.

Reward:528 Will, 1 Stone Spirit, Blood of the Iron Bull (material), Guangmou (spirit)


Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (31)

Location: Chapter 1 > Bamboo Grove > Snake Trail: when facing this fast travel point, jump over the cliffs on the left to get to the lower area where a river is. Turn left, follow the river to the end to find this boss.


Strategy:This boss is a big toad. Its attacks are very weak, it barely deals any damage. Try to attack its head from the front as that is the weak point. Use your spells to defeat it quickly and heavy running attacks for lots of one-hit damage. One of the easiest bosses in the game.

Reward:384 Will, 1 Stone Spirit, Tadpole (material), Baw-Li-Guhh-Lang (spirit)

Whiteclad Noble

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (32)

Location:Chapter 1 > Bamboo Grove >Marsh of White Mist: from the shrine go down the stairs to find this boss in the next area. Can’t miss him, he’s a main boss.


Strategy:Whiteclad Noble is the first boss that features 2 phases, each having a full health bar. His first phase is more melee oriented, his second phase uses more ranged attacks. If you defeated all bosses so far you’ll have an advantage as you have access to more spells and spirits. As usual, start by casting Immobilize, then immediately follow up with the transformation spell you got from defeatingGuangzhi, do heavy attacks with it to deal lots of damage. Then use quick attack combos and dodge sideways when the boss attacks. Avoid heavy attacks, this boss moves around very quickly and you’ll likely miss. After depleting his first health bar he will transform into his snake form. Your Immobilize spell should be recharged by now so use it again. Then just spam quick-attack combos on the boss. Don’t worry about taking damage, just brute force it by dealing lots of damage and healing back when you get hit. Having the transformation spell fromGuangzhi earlier is key here to finish the first phase quickly without wasting gourd uses. Also make sure that before this boss you defeated the one snake enemy upstairs to trigger the cutscene where you rescue the Shen Monkey, then talk to him in his cave to upgrade your Gourd.

Reward:687 Will, 3 Yarn, Jade Fang (material)

Elder Jinchi (King) – Secret Boss

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (33)

Location:Chapter 1 > Ancient Guanyin Temple > Grand Chamber: To reach this area you must ring all 3 bells in Chapter 1 (behind the bosses Guangzhi, Guangmou, Whiteclad Noble). After ringing the 3rd bell you are automatically transported to this secret area.


Strategy:Elder Jinchi is a stronger version of the Wandering Wight boss from earlier. His basic moveset is identical but he does longer combos and has more health. He is surrounded by his minions. After he falls below half health, he will float in the air and his minions will walk towards him. Kill them before they reach him, otherwise he will absorb them to heal himself. Sometimes he will make the minions glow golden and they will run towards you and self-detonate. Simply run away from them and they won’t pose a threat. Just like Wandering Wight, the Elder Jinchi is prone to staggering from quick-attack combos (particularly from the last hit in the combo). Start by using Immobilize spell, land some quick-attack combos, then use the transformation spell and use heavy attacks with it. Now mostly focus on dodging his attacks, they are easily avoided by running away and keeping your distance. When Immobilize has recharged, use it again. After he misses long combos, get close and do a quick-attack combo, if you can finish the combo you may be able to stagger him. Also use running heavy attacks, they deal decent damage against him while you wait for Immobilize to recharge. When transformation has recharged use it again too.

Reward:2000 Will, Fireproof Mantle (vessel) *looted from the corpse that hangs off the tree in front of the 3rd bell, after beating the boss and being teleported back there.

Black Wind King (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (34)

Location: Chapter 1 > Black Wind Cave > Cave Interior: automatic story boss, can’t miss him.


Strategy:Black Wind King is a human enemy wielding a spear. He also uses wind and fire magic. He has only 1 health bar. The key to victory is to dodge his spear attacks correctly. Dodge when he starts swinging his spear, he usually does 3 attacks in a row, so dodge 3 times. Then he is open for attack. At the start of the fight use the transformation you obtained from “Guangzhi” boss earlier, use the heavy attack with it. Then the boss will turn himself into a wind orb and flies towards you a few times. After he flies towards you he immediately flies back so be prepared to quickly dodge a second time or else you’ll suffer a lot of damage. Afterward he will create a big wind circle in the middle of the arena, stay out of it to avoid taking damage (he always spawns this after he turns himself into a wind orb, always in the middle of the arena). When he turns back into human form, use the Immobilize spell immediately and attack. After this you should have taken almost half his health already. Now he will mostly use his spear melee attacks. If he drinks from his flask he will spew fire at you. While he drinks from the flask he is vulnerable to attacks, if you can land a full quick-attack combo it will interrupt him and he won’t spew fire. If he disappears he will go invisible for a few seconds and then attacks with his spear, but sometimes he crashes down from above which deals a lot of splash damage. Whenever he disappears, run away and dodge to avoid his next attack. If you don’t dodge his spear attacks cleanly you will run out of healing charges too quickly. When he is far away from you, do a running heavy attack for some decent damage. After his 3-hit combos always do a quick-attack combo. Use your spells when they have recharged. If you have trouble you can also craft new armor at a shrine that unlocked from the previous boss.

Reward:696 Will, Cloud Step (spell), 1 Stone Spirit

Black Bear Guai (King) – CHAPTER 1 ENDBOSS

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (35)

Location:Chapter 1 > Black Wind Cave > Bodhi Peak: story boss, can’t miss him.


Strategy:This boss is a big black bear, and he’s the hardest boss so far. Before heading into this fight, make sure you crafted the upgrade for your staff and also new armor (can be done at shrine). This will give you better attack and defense stats. Also equip the Agate Jar that was found in the arena where you fought “Black Wind King” boss (increases Defense), and the Fireproof Mantle that was looted from the corpse hanging off the three at the third bell after “Elder Jinchi” boss (grants fire damage & lava resistance). Equip theGuangmou spirit (from defeatingGuangmou boss earlier). As soon as you enter the boss arena press Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (36) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (37) to summon the Guangmou spirit, it will cast two snakes that shoot poison at the boss, he will get poisoned after a few hits. Cast immobilize to freeze him in place and do quick-attack combos until he dodges away. Then use theGuangzhi transformation spell (that was unlocked fromGuangzhi boss) and use heavy attacks until you transform back. This will take out a good chunk of the boss’s health before he has any chance to attack you. The boss has two phases but only one health bar. In the first phase he uses mostly melee attacks with his paws. Use only quick attacks. Heavy attacks are too slow and he deals a lot of damage if you get hit. Dodge sideways when he is about to hit you with his paw. He usually attacks 3 times in a row, then you can land some hits. If you can pull off a full quick-attack combo he sometimes gets staggered and falls back. Then do another quick-attack combo and he’ll immediately stagger again. This way you can string together 3 full quick-attack combos in a row for massive damage (takes about 30% of his health). After doing this he should already be at half-health and the second phase starts. At half health he will transform into a fire orb andflies towards you a few times, then he transforms back into his bear form, now his paws start burning and he casts fire on the floor. Use the Fireproof Mantle with Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (38) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (39) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (40) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (41) , it protects you fro lava-covered terrain and fire damage. If you start burning from fire damage you can dodge 4-5 times to put out the flames. In the second phase he also does more smash/jump attacks that deal massive splash damage, avoid those. The safest bet is to keep your distance and wait for Immobilize spell to recharge. Then use it on him and use quick attacks again, rinse and repeat until you run out of mana. If you take damage, run away ( Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (42) ) and heal from a safe distance. Don’t heal near him, he will attack immediately. In the 2nd phase you can also try some running heavy attacks after he missed a long combo. If you have enough healing charges left you can play a bit more aggressively and use quick-attacks near him, but if you get hit by his jumping smash attacks it can take 60% of your health in one hit. So it’s best to stay near full health in the second phase to not get instakilled by this. Just take it slow in the 2nd phase and punish him with Immobilize spell.

Reward:990 Will, 1 Flame Ebongold, 5 Yarn, 2 Silk, 1 Yaoguai Core, 1 Stone Spirit, 1 Mind Core

The Red Loong (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (43)

Location: Chapter 1 > Forest of the Wolves >Outside the Forest: This requires theLoong Scalesfrom Chapter 2. After you have the Scales, fast travel back to Chapter 1 via a shrine. From Outside the Forest Shrine, take the path to the left until you reach a waterfall in the corner of the area. With the Loong Scales in your inventory you will now be able to interact with the waterfall to enter the area with this hidden boss.

Difficulty:5/10 (if doing it during Chapter 2, much easier if doing it later)

Strategy:This is the first of four hidden Loong bosses that require the Loong Scales key item. This one is a big flying dragon. It uses shock elemental attacks. Early on this fight can be quite challenging as it hits hard and has high health for this point in the game (earliest you can do it is during Chapter 2). However, if you wait a bit until you crafted the weapons/armor of at least Chapter 4 you can breeze through this boss and it’ll be a 2/10 difficulty. Just come back for it later after having unlocked better gear and more spells.

Reward:1382 Will, 2x Yaoguai Core, 1x Mind Core, 1x Loong Pearl (material), Thunder Tail (material), Boshan Censer (Curios)

Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (44)

Location: Chapter2 > Sandgate Village > Village Entrance: To the left of this shrine drop down the ravine and go down the path. At the end of the path you will find a flooded area with this frog miniboss.


Strategy:This frog uses electric attacks. Luckily it has very little health. Use your spells to kill it fast. Its main attacks are its electric tongue swipe and shooting electric orbs at you from a distance. But because the boss dies fast you can brute force it, just do quick-attack combos and then heal back.

Reward:763 Will, 2 Yarn, 2 Silk, Evil Repelling Medicament (formula), Tadpole (material),2 Evil Repelling Medicament if you talk to the wolf NPC upstairs (he gives it as a reward for defeating the frog). You can now also craft medicines at shrines.

Earth Wolf (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (45)

Location: Chapter 2 > Sandgate Village > Village Entrance: To the left of this shrine go over the wooden bridge, then turn right to find the village entrance in the corner. Go through the courtyard and look for a breakable wall on the left below a roof with a Rat Archer (or follow the path at the end of the village on the left). This will lead to the area with this miniboss.


Strategy:Before the fight make sure you cleared out the surrounding enemies so they don’t interrupt you. The fight takes place in a big open field with some structures nearby. You can use the environment to your advantage to block the boss’s movement and let your spells recharge while running circles around structures. As usual start with Immobilize spell > Transformation spell. Then do running heavy attacks, don’t worry too much about suffering some damage, just heal back and brute force the boss, he doesn’t have a lot of health. Or just wait for Immobilize to recharge and use that again.

Reward:835 Will, 1 Tiny Piece of Gold, 1 Yarn, Blood of the Iron Bull (material), Earth Wolf (spirit)

Second Rat Prince & King of Flowing Sands

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (46)

Location: Chapter 2 > Sandgate Village > Village Entrance:To the left of this shrine go over the wooden bridge, then turn right to find the village entrance in the corner. Go through the courtyard and turn right to find a locked wooden gate. Open it to trigger this boss fight.

MISSABLE WARNING: To get the Spirit ofKing of Flowing Sands, you must defeat the small rat boss first before killing the larger “Second Rate Prince”.


Strategy:This is the first double boss in the game. You will fight two bosses at the same time, a big one and a small one. However, you only need to defeat the big armored rat to trigger a cutscene that ends the fight. The small one can be ignored, he is hard to hit anyway because he runs away from you. The big one doesn’t have too much health and doesn’t hit particularly hard. Use your spells to deal lots of damage, then dodge and do quick attacks. You can also run around in big circles to wait for your spells to recharge, then cast Immobilize, rinse and repeat.

Reward:1008 Will, 2 Yarn, 2 Silk, Blood of the Iron Bull (material), Second Rat Prince (Spirit) *ONLY IF YOU KILL THE SMALL BOSS FIRST

First Prince of Flowing Sands

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (47)

Location: Chapter 2 > Sandgate Village > Valley of Despair: From this shrine take the path to the right to enter a cave. After two enemies, in the next cave section turn left to trigger a cutscene. The small rat boss from earlier will appear and summon this new boss.


Strategy:This boss is a big rat with huge claws. His most frequent attacks is swiping his claws and sometimes he jumps in the air to fall back down. He does have a fair amount of health but at this point in the game isn’t much different from previous bosses. Start with Immobilize spell > Transformation spell > then do quick-attack combos until Immobilize recharged, rinse and repeat. You should have enough health charges to brute force him by dealing lots of damage fast and healing back.

Reward:1019 Will, 2 Yarn, 2 Silk, Arhat Gold Piece (Key Item)

Mother of Stone (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (48)

Location:Chapter 2 > Fright Cliff > Squall Hideout: From this shrine take the left path until you can go up to a cave. Go right, then take the next left to go up a path. At the end of the path you find 3 blue glowing crystals on a rock, attack them. This is actually the boss itself. This is in the cave just before the “Rockrest Flat” shrine.


Strategy:This boss is a defenseless rock that stays still the entire fight. It doesn’t attack or defend itself. Instead, it calls lesser rock enemies from the surroundings to fight on its behalf. Defeat these other rock enemies, they don’t pose much of a threat. Then you can freely attack the boss and it won’t move or do anything. It’s literally just a rock sitting there.

Reward:759 Will, 2 Yarn, 2 Silk, Stone Essence (Key Item)

Man-in-Stone (Character)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (49)

Location:Chapter 2 > Fright Cliff > Squall Hideout: from the shrine, take the path to the right, go through the ravine that has a little bit of water in it. At the end of the ravine are some black thorns, interact with them, it’s actually a guy trapped in them. You have to give him the key item “Stone Essence” which is dropped by the “Mother of Stone” boss.


Strategy:This boss hits hard but has very little health. Use your spells to defeat him within a few seconds, he won’t pose much of a threat then.

Reward:759 Will, Azure Dust (Spell)

Tiger Vanguard (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (50)

Location:Chapter 2 > Crouching Tiger Temple > Temple Entrance: From this shrine go straight up the stairs to the temple to find this boss.


Strategy:This tiger boss is one of the hardest so far, mainly due to his varied moveset that includes lots of different combos. Learning all his attacks and the correct dodge-timing is key, but will take a few tries of trial and error. It might be easier to do the boss “Stone Vanguard” first as it unlocks a new armor set for crafting. Then you can backtrack with the upgraded armor. Also at a shrine, craft “Tiger Subduing Pellets” & “Evil Repelling Medicament”, which was unlocked from the boss “Lang-Li-Guhh-Baw”. Consume both of these before the fight starts to buff yourself, but it’s best to do a few practice runs first as to not waste the medicine. The fight always starts with the tiger moving to the right and doing a jump attack, dodge just before he hits the ground. Then cast Immobilize > do quick-attack combo > when Immobilize ends cast Transformation, use its heavy attacks until it runs out > use your Spirit attack with Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (51) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (52) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (53) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (54) . Then use only quick-attack combos. Avoid heavy attacks, they are too slow for this fight and you’ll almost always get hit when you try them. Stay close to the boss and dodge perfectly (this takes a few tries to learn all his attack patterns). If you get far away from him, he’ll either shoot blood tornados/projectiles at you or does a very strong sword attack that takes over half your health. When he fights bare-handed his attacks don’t deal as much damage. When he switches to the sword he hits much harder and can kill you in one combo. His jumps also deal a lot of damage, always dodge a moment before he lands. Don’t dodge all the time persistently, instead focus on timing your dodges correctly. His attacks are timed in such a manner that if you continuously dodge he will hit you with some attacks of his combos. Always dodge when he is about to hit, while he moves his arms/swords towards you. This fight is all about learning his attack patterns and dodging perfectly, you can’t brute-force it like some other fights thus far.

Reward:1354 Will, 2 Yaoguai Core, Mind Core (Material), Keeness of Tiger (Key Item), Rock Solid (Spell)

Tiger’s Acolyte

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (55)

Location:Chapter 2 > Yellow Wind Formation > Windrest Hamlet: Directly after thisshrine on the next bridge.


Strategy:This boss has very little health. Cast your Transformation spell and spam its heavy attacks > then use Immobilize followed by ‘A Pluck of Many’ spell to cast your clones, then use quick-attacks. The boss will remain staggered from all the attacks caused by you and your clones, he will die within a few seconds before he has a chance to do anything. Make sure you don’t get knocked off the edge of the bridge if he does attack. ‘A Pluck of Many’ spell is unlocked by interacting with the statue in the arena where you fought the Tiger Vanguard boss, this opens a hatch on the floor, go down there through the cellar until you get a cutscene where the spell unlocks.

Reward:777 Will, 2x Yarn, 2x Silk, Old Rattle-Drum (Key Item), Blood of the Iron Bull (material), Tiger’s Acolyte (Spirit)

Stone Vanguard (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (56)

Location: Chapter 2 > Fright Cliff > Rockrest Flat: From this shrine take the left path to find this boss.


Strategy:This boss is a big rock enemy. Its attacks deal a lot of damage but it’s relatively slow and has a limited moveset. Its most dangerous moves are easy to recognize: when it jumps in the air it will come crashing down, just dodge away to avoid this. If itrams both claws in the ground and is glowing golden, it will summon spikes from the ground in a radius of about 5 meters, dodge backwards to avoid this. If it shoots smaller rocks at you, keep your distance and dodge sideways. For the rest it will use close-range melee attacks with its claws. Dodge sideways and use quick-attack combos. Use your spells whenever they’ve recharged to deal lots of damage.Remember to check at the shrine if any weapon/armor upgrades are available to make this fight easier. You can also craft Medicines at the shrine, especially useful are the Tiger Subduing Pellets & Evil Repelling Medicament.

Reward:1375 Will, 2 Yaoguai Core, Sterness of Stone (Key Item), Mind Core (Material), Galeguard Armor set available for crafting


Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (57)

Location:Chapter 2 > In the same arena where you fought Stone Vanguard (previous boss), you must deliver all 6 Buddha’s Eyeballs to the big rock with faces on it. This will make the boss spawn. SeeBuddha’s Eyeballs Locations.


Strategy:This boss is very similar to theStone Vanguard. You have one advantage, after defeating Stone Vanguard you unlock a new armor set for crafting which will make this fight easier. Pretty much the same tactic that applied to Stone Vanguard also applies here. Use Immobilize spell whenever it’s recharged, consume medicine before the fight to buff yourself, dodge the melee attacks and only use quick-attack combos. By dodging to the back of the boss he will often miss you with his attacks and you can safely land some hits. If he jumps in the air dodge away. If the floor becomes lava get away.

Reward:1374 Will, 2x Yaoguai Core, Heart of Stone (material), Mind Core (material), Skandha of Feeling (Key Item)

Gore-Eye Daoist

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (58)

Location:Chapter 2 > Yellow Wind Formation > Windseal Gate: Take the path left of thisshrine and you will see him in front of a tree.


Strategy:This boss has very little health. Cast your Transformation spell and spam its heavy attacks > then use Immobilize followed by ‘A Pluck of Many’ spell to cast your clones, then use quick-attacks. The boss will remain staggered from all the attacks caused by you and your clones, he will die within a few seconds. ‘A Pluck of Many’ spell is unlocked by interacting with the statue in the arena where you fought the Tiger Vanguard boss, this opens a hatch on the floor, go down there through the cellar until you get a cutscene where the spell unlocks.

Reward:769 Will, 2x Yarn, 2x Silk, Blood of the Iron Bull (material), Gore-Eye Daoist (Spirit)

Mad Tiger

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (59)

Location:Chapter 2 > Defeat “Tiger’s Acolyte” chief to get the Old-Rattle Drum, then use it in 3 locations to enter the well: 1) Yellow Wind Formation > Windseal Gate: take the path left of the shrine, after crossing a bridge turn left to enter a side area, the screen will get a gray color and you can interact with the environment to use Old-Rattle Drum / 2) Yellow Wind Formation > Windrest Hamlet: From this shrine turn around, go downstairs and through the gate. explore the side of the village to use the Rattle Drum again, where a few Withered Corpse enemies are sitting / 3) Sandgate Village > Village Entrance: Inside the village where you fought the chief “Earth Wolf” you can explore in the corner of the village to use the Drum again to get a cutscene, then after the cutscene jump into the well, this triggers the secret Mad Tiger fight.


Strategy:Mad Tiger hits very hard and has a fast aggressive moveset but he doesn’t have very much health. If you die, you respawn right outside the boss fight at the “Bottom of the Well” shrine (even if you haven’t activated it before). The best approach is to use medicine before the fight to buff yourself: “Tiger Subduing Pellters” to raise attack + “Evil Repelling Medicament” to raise Defense. As soon as the fight starts, use Transformation > use heavy attacks until transformation ends > use Immobilize, cast “A Pluck of Many” spell > use quick-attacks to deal damage. This should take down 70% of the boss’s health already. Heal if you fall below half health, then keep using quick attacks or wait for Immobilize spell to recharge. As long as you heal back to full health you will be fine, but if you are below half health the boss can kill in 1-2 hits.

Reward:1029 Will, 1x Stone Spirit, 1x Yaoguai Core, Blood of the Iron Bull (material), Mad Tiger (Spirit)

Yellow-Robed Squire (Secret Boss)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (60)

Location:Chapter 2 > Reached in Chapter 2 as part of the boar’s side questline: 1) Fright Cliff > Rockrest Flat: from this shrine go straight and talk to the drunken boar / 2) Yellow Wind Formation > Windrest Bridge: from this shrine go straight across the bridge, then go left where houses are, then turn right into a courtyard, in a house in the left corner is a golden glowing keg, destroy it to get “Sobering Stone” key item / 3) return to the boar, give him the Sobering Stone, exhaust all dialogue / 4) Crouching Tiger Temple > Temple Entrance: from this shrine go upstairs and enter second path on right, talk to boar there, give him 1 Jade Lotus (you can buy it from the shrine store), exhaust all dialogues with the boar / 5) return to where you first met the boar at Rockrest Flat, his brother “Yellow-Robed Squire” will spawn there, defeat him.


Strategy:This boss has very little health, you can instantly defeat him with spells. Use Immobilize > A Pluck of Many > Transformation (use heavy attacks) > afterward use quick-attack combos and the boss should die quickly. With your clones you will do a lot of damage quickly to brute-force the boss within seconds.

Reward:1037 Will, Snout Mask (headgear armor), after the boss fight follow the boss through the gate to get this)

“Tiger Vanguard” (Secret Boss)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (61)

Location:Chapter 2 > First, defeat “Yellow-Robed Squire” (see above for his location). Then you enter the secret Chapter 2 area “Kingdom of Sahi”. The first boss in the secret area is the alternate version of “Tiger Vanguard”. This is different from the Tiger Vanguard inCrouching Tiger Temple.

Difficulty:4.5/10 (if having done the other Chapter 2 bosses first to get better equipment)

Strategy:This boss hits very hard.But if you did all bosses in the order outlined here, you should already have all possible weapons/armor/upgrades unlocked from this chapter, which helps significantly. If you haven’t yet, talk to Xu Dog atCrouching Tiger Temple > Cellar, buy the potion recipe from him and trade your Mind Cores for Defense upgrades (you can respec these anytime for other stat boosts). At a shrine craft medications: Tiger Subduing Pellets, Evil Repelling Medicament, Longevity Decoction (after buying recipe from Xu Dog). Equip to your quick-slots in equipment menu, drink them before the boss fight for stat boosts. When the fight starts, dodge the first attack combo > Immobilize > Pluck of Many to summon your clones > do quick-attack combos, but dodge sideways each time the boss attacks. With your clones and the buffs from medication you will do a lot of health while taking less damage. After your close disappear, use Transformation spell and Cloud Step spell for quick damage, then summon your spirit with Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (62) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (63) (Wandering Wight is recommended). After this the boss should be dead, but if not keep dodging and do quick attacks.

Reward:1014 Will, 2x Yarn, 2x Silk, Tiger Tally (Curios accessory)

Fuban (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (64)

Location:Chapter 2 > First, defeat “Tiger Vanguard (Secret Version)”, see description above for his location.After this, talk to the NPC standing on the cliffs overlooking the desert atKingdom of Sahi > Sandgate Bound.


Strategy:Fuban is a huge armored beetle boss. He has by far the most health of any boss so far in the game. His only weakspot is his front legs, with which he attacks. Everything else on him is armored and resistant to damage. He does hit hard too, but he only really has two moves: 1) He will dig into the sand and then jump out of it – dodge sideways just before he hits to evade this. 2) He will swipe is front leg to the side. This is a slow and predictable attack, and he doesn’t attack often. After you’ve seen him swipe his leg a few times you’ll easily recognize it – dodge backwards when he does it. Then he will just sit there for a few seconds and is an easy target before he does the next swipe. Use Immobilize and Pluck of Many to deal a lot of damage early in the fight. When he’s at about 70% health, he will dig into the ground and jump at you a few times – dodge sideways just a moment before he lands. Then you get a cutscene, afterward he will sit still and you must climb up his head to the glowing point on his back and interact with it. Now the NPC who summoned Fuban will join the fight. He deals a lot of damage, you can now lean back a little and watch him beat the boss for you, or if you have plenty of healing left you can join the fight to speed things up. If you fall below half health always heal immediately to full health.

Reward:Wind Tamer (Vessel), Sky-Piercing Horn (legendary weapon crafting material)

BlackLoong (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (65)

Location: Chapter 2 >Fright Cliff > Rockrest Flat: This requires theLoong Scalesfrom Chapter 2. After you got them, go to Rockrest Flat, from the shrine turn right and go up the path to reach a waterfall. With the Loong Scales in your inventory you can now interact with the waterfall to enter the area with this hidden boss.


Strategy:Black Loong’s only really punishing move is when he creates shockwaves on the ground. They spread out as growing circles. When he punches the ground to do this, get away from him, the further away you are the easier the circles are to dodge. He uses shock damage so having shock resistance will help. At this point you should have the Pluck of Many Spell, use that to deal damage fast in combination with Immobilize and Wandering Wight spirit attack.

Reward:1591 Will, 2x Refined Iron Sand, 1x Mind Core, 1x Loong Pearl, 1x Thunderbone, Tricadna Pendant (Curios)

Yellow Wind Sage (King) – CHAPTER 2 ENDBOSS

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (66)

Location:Chapter 2 > Crouching Tiger Temple > Cellar: From this shrine slide down the sand and go left into the tornado.

Difficulty:6/10 (Level 36+ recommended)

Strategy:Yellow Wind Sage is the Chapter 2 endboss, and the hardest boss in the game thus far. He has a lot of health and hits very hard. He has only one health bar but 2 phases, his 2nd phase starts at 50% health. It’s recommended to do all other bosses in Chapter 2 first. This will get you leveled up and you unlock various upgrade materials to get stronger. Make sure you crafted all available weapon and armor upgrades up to this point. Also make sure you upgraded your gourd at the Shen Money if you obtained any upgrade materials. At the Cellar shrine before the boss, talk to Xu Dog to exchange all your Mind Cores for Celestial Medicines, pick the ones that increase Defense. Also buy the medicine recipe from him. Now craft 3 medicines at the shrine: Longevity Decoction, Evil Repelling Medicament, Tiger Subduing Pellets. Consume all 3 of these before entering the boss fight. They increase your health, defense, attack. Start the fight by dodging the first attack combo, then use Immobilize > A Pluck of Many > use quick-attacks. Together with your clones you will deal lots of damage. After this you should have taken 30-40% of the boss’s health. Having the Foundation Martial Arts skill “Sturdy” is useful here, on the final hit of a quick-attack combo it gives you significant damage protection. Continue dodging his melee attacks and landing quick attacks until he reaches half health. Don’t play at distance, stay close to the boss at all times, if you run away he will use ranged attacks and he is very accurate with those. At close range he will often miss you if you are to his side or his back, so always dodge sideways. At half health, the bosswill summon a huge rock that falls down on you. You can either dodge sideways to evade it, or even better activate your Transformation spell (don’t use it earlier), then dodge while transformed. Even if you get hit, it doesn’t matter as the damage you take while transformed is reset when transforming back to your regular form. If you get hit by the rock in your regular form it deals massive damage. After evading, you can use heavy attacks while transformed to land some damage. The boss will vastly change his moveset in the 2nd phase. He will use repeated jumping attacks where he becomes translucent and jumps across the arena from side to side, dodge when he comes towards you. He can now cast tornados that lift you in the air if you walk into them. He also does various ground strikes that deal damage in a wide area. You should have enough mana left to land one more Immobilize spell here. Then stay close to the boss, focus on dodging the attacks perfectly, and land quick-attacks. Don’t bother using heavy attacks, they are too slow for this boss, you’ll get hit. Remember to use your Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (67) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (68) Spirit Attack, recommended is the “Wandering Wight” because equipping him gives you +20 defense permanently at all times, and his headbutt attack deals good damage. If you finished the first phase quickly, you should have all or most of your healing charges left so you canheal frequently in the second phase.

Reward:Fuming Ears (relic), 1x Samadhi Wind Agate (material), 2x Gold Iron Leaves (material), 5x Silk, 2x Yaoguai Core, 1x Refined Iron Sand (material), 1x Mind Core (material)

Macaque Chief 1

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (69)

Location:Chapter3 > Snowhill Path > Frost-Clad Path: Unmissable story boss, on main path after the first shrine in Chapter 3.


Strategy:Make sure you craft the weapon upgrade and as many armor upgrades as you can afford at the first shrine in Chapter 3. Use Immobilize > Pluck of Many > Transformation > Spirit Ability = boss defeated in 15 seconds. Even though he is called a “Chief”, he doesn’t register under Yaoguai Chiefs in the Journal.

Reward:1600 Will

Kang-Jin Loong (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (70)

Location:Chapter 3 > Snowhill Path > Mirrormere: unmissable story boss. From this shrine head straight ahead to the house on the frozen lake, this will spawn the boss.


Strategy:This boss is a flying ice dragon. It hits hard and moves around a lot, but doesn’t have much health. Start by activating the Wind Tamer vessel (which was obtained from Fuban boss in Chapter 2). It instantly knocks down the dragon and stuns him. He also gets stunned frequently by hitting his head with heavy attacks or the final hit of a quick-attack combo. When he’s on the ground, use Pluck of Many Spell, use Wandering Wight spirit attack with Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (71) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (72) for massive damage > cast Immobilize, keep doing quick-attack combos. When immobilize ends cast Transformation and do heavy attacks with it. If you land everything perfectly you can instakill the dragon before he can even enter his second phase. If he survived this and fell below 50% he will start casting lightning on the ground, simply dodge/run away from it. Then he uses mostly the same attacks he did in the 1st phase. Avoid being grabbed by him because he can instakill you with that. Stay close to him with quick-attacks, at range he will use an ice breath or flies towards you to grab you. If you crafted all available weapon/armor upgrades you’ll have an easier time.

Reward:3x Cold Iron Leaves, Starlit Cloud-Bidden Antler (Material)

CaptainLotus-Vision (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (73)

Location:Chapter 3 > Pagoda Realm > Upper Pagoda: From this shrine turn around. Directly across from the shrine, drop down the cliff and you’ll reach this hidden boss in a prison cell.


Strategy:This boss uses a lot of purple lasers and orbs.When he shoots flaming orbs, dodge forward through them, this gets you closer to the boss so you can attack. He will shoot 3 pairs of orbs in a row. When you attack he will often teleport away, run back to him or use Cloud Step to teleport to him or Immobilize to freeze him. When he creates a laser grid on the floor you have to jump over the lasers or dodge through them. His trickiest move to dodge is when he shoots lasers straight at you, these shoot very quickly and require perfect timing.

Reward:1193 Will, 2x Cold Iron Leaves, Frostsprout Twig (Curios), 1x Mind Core, The Spirit of Captain Lotus-Vision (Key Item) *collecthis golden spirit after the fight

Captain Wise-Voice (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (74)

Location: Chapter 3 > Pagoda Realm > Mani Wheel: unmissable story boss. Found directly after this shrine on the main path. Missable Curio Warning: To get the Curio “Auspicious Lantern”, you have to defeat all 9 of the big head-lamp enemies “Lantern Wardens” in the prison area of Pagoda Realm. They disappear after beating Captain Wise-Voice.


Strategy:This boss has a lot of health but its attacks don’t deal much damage and it’s slow. The weak spot is its hand. After dealing enough damage to the hand, the boss will fall to the ground. Then you can attack the head which suffers more damage. Using the Wandering Wight spirit is useful here, the Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (75) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (76) attack dealssignificantdamage when hitting the head. It helps if you crafted all available weapon/armor upgrades so far and buffed yourself with medicine before the fight. When the fight starts, let the boss shoot its first attack, then cast Immobilize & Pluck of Many to cast your clones. Just brute-force it, attack the leg and don’t worry about taking some hits. The faster you can stun the boss the better. You have more than enough healing charges for this fight.

Reward:1584 Will, 2x Refined Iron Sand, Mind Core, The Spirit of Captain Wise-Voice (Key Item, collect his golden soul after the fight)

Macaque Chief 2

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (77)

Location: Chapter 3 > Pagoda Realm > Warding Temple: From this shrine go up the stairs into the temple courtyard to trigger this fight.


Strategy:Use Immobilize > Pluck of Many > Transformation > Spirit Ability = boss defeated in 15 seconds.

Reward:Ring of Fire (Spell)

Kang-Jin Star (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (78)

Location:Chapter 3 > Pagoda Realm > Warding Temple: Follow the path through Warding Temple until you slide down a snowy slope, it will trigger this boss fight.


Strategy:Kang-Jin is a lady who transforms into a dragon. She uses various lightning strikes attacks in both her human form and dragon form. She has a medium amount of health and deals medium amount of damage. As usual, buff yourself using medicine before the fight. When the fight starts she will shoot some lightning orbs at you, dodge them. Then use Immobilize and deal some damage until she transforms into a dragon. Dodge her attacks while she’s in dragon form. After a short while she transforms back to human form. Now use Pluck of Many spell and aggro her with quick-attack combos. After your clones disappear use Transform and land heavy attacks for some quick damage. At this point she should already be at half-health. Now just dodge all her projectiles and use quick-attack combos. Remember to use your spirit attack too with Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (79) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (80) – the Wandering Wight is good because it deals lot of damage in one hit and buffs your defense. Whenever she is flying in the air or in dragon form you won’t be able to hit her, so focus on dodging all her attacks when she does this. When she uses lightning strikes that hit the floor, run in a square-shape pattern to avoid all of these. When she shoots orbs, dodge sideways. Her melee attacks aren’t too punishing, you can aggro her with quick attacks and take the damage. Then heal back when she transforms or prepares for her ranged attacks.

Reward:1573 Will, 3x Cold Iron Leaves, 1x Mind Core (material), 1x Loong Pearl (material), Loongscale Armor Set available for crafting

CyanLoong (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (81)

Location: Chapter 3 >Bitter Lake > Turtle Island: This requires theLoong Scalesfrom Chapter 2. After you got them, go to Turtle Island. To the right of this shrine, go to the back right corner of the island to find a small dragon statue sitting at the edge. When approaching it you will get a cutscene and it transforms to a living dragon, he’s this boss. Only spawns if you have the Loong Scales in your inventory.


Strategy:This is the third of four Loong enemies. He’s a smaller dragon with a sword, he spends most of the time on the ground. Like the other Loongs he uses shock based attacks so having high resistance to this is helpful. Use your spells and spirit attack to deal lots of damage fast. If you struggle you can come back to him later after advancing the story.

Reward:2553 Will, 2x Fine Gold Thread, 1x Mind Core, Mountain-Shacking Claw (material), Breath of Fire (Drinks and Soaks), Loong Pearl (material)

Apramana Bat (Chief) [MISSABLE]

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (82)

Location:Chapter 3 > Bitter Lake > North Shore of the Bitter Lake: From this shrine go straight ahead and follow the coastline on the right all the way to the end. There you will get a cutscene with this boss, looks like a golden armored bat. MISSABLE: This boss disappears whenZhu Bajie (little boar companion) leaves your party in Chapter 3. You should defeat this boss at the first opportunity when reaching North Shore of the Bitter Lake.


Strategy:This is a big golden-armored bat. It doesn’t deal much damage at all, it’s just really annoying to hit it because it flies up and then smashes down onto you all the time. Use your spells to deal it a lot of damage right away, then dodge its flying-smash attacks and do quick-attack combos. You have more than enough healing charges for this one.

Reward:1205 Will, 2x Cold Iron Leaves

Chen Loong

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (83)

Location: Chapter 3 > unlocked by finishingChen Loong questline.


Strategy:Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss defeated. If it’s still alive keep staggering it with quick-attack combos.

Reward:1177 Will, 2x Yaoguai Core, 1x Refined Iron Sand (if completing his questline you also get: Ruyi Scroll which grants access to Zodiac Village area)

Yin Tiger

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (84)

Location: Chapter 3 > first you must finishChen Loong questline. At the end of it you reach a hidden area called “Zodiac Village”. In the left corner talk to the blacksmith and challenge him to a duel, defeat him.

Difficulty:5/10 (easier if doing it later in the game)

Strategy:Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation.This boss hits quite hard and has a decent amount of health for this point in the game. You can still fight him later at any time (he’s still there after story) so if you struggle can come back later to make it easier.

Reward:Ebon Flow (Spell)

Non-White (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (85)

Location:Chapter 3 > Valley of Ecstasy > Mindfulness Cliff: unmissable story boss. Found directly after this shrine on the main path. You must fight him twice. After beating him once he runs away and spawns further up the same main path (about 1 minute walk distance).


Strategy:This boss is a horned human wielding an ice-spear. He is the first boss to have an armor bar above his health bar. You must attack him until his armor breaks, only then he will take health damage. He doesn’t hit particularly hard if you have upgraded your Defense as much as possible. His attacks are relatively basic like what you’d see from most non-boss enemies. In the first fight he uses more ice element attacks to freeze you. In the second fight he uses more poison element attacks to cause continuous damage if you get hit by it. Just aggro him with Transformation > Immobilize > Pluck of Many > keep doing quick-attack combos. You should have more than enough healing charges by this point to survive this fight easily.

Reward:1188 Will, 2x Yaoguai Core, 1x Refined Iron Sand

Lang-Li-Guhh-Lang (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (86)

Location:Chapter 3 > Valley of Ecstasy > Forest of Felicity: From this shrine turn around 180°, then enter the cave to your right. Behind it is this frog boss.


Strategy:Same frog boss you already fought twice but this one uses ice magic. Cast Pluck of Many before the fight > Immobilize > Transformation (use heavy attacks) > use your Spirit attack = boss defeated.

Reward:902 Will, 2x Silk, 1x Cold Iron Leaves, 1x Tadpole

Non-Able (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (87)

Location: Chapter 3 > Valley of Ecstasy > Brook of Bliss: Go up the slope to the right of this shrine. At the top go around the right side, there you will find the Non-Able boss.


Strategy:This boss has two full health bars and two phases. During his first phase he has both hands tied behind his back and can only kick. Use your spells to take down his health quickly. He doesn’t deal much damage. After his first health bar is depleted he breaks free from his chains and can use his hands. He now switches to striking with his hands. After the fight he drops his Spirit, collect it.

Reward:1188 Will, 2x Cold Iron Leaves, Maitreya’s Orb (Curios accessory) *only drops from boss prior to patch 1.0.8 (after patch it’s found in a chest instead, see Curio Locations), Non-Able (Spirit)

Green-Capped Martialist

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (88)

Location:Chapter 3 > Complete the Treasure Hunter’s side questline. Then you will fight this boss at the end of the questline.


Strategy:This boss is the Treasure Hunter NPC you meet throughout Chapter 3. At the end of his questline you will fight him. He uses fire attacks so equip the vessel “Fireproof Mantle” which you got from the Chapter 1 secret boss, it gives you fire protection. The boss often transforms into a wheel of fire, then he comes rolling towards you. This is very easily dodged however. Either run sideways or just dodge sideways continuously and he’ll always miss. Halfway through the fight he will transform into 2 wheels, at that point you should use the Fireproof Mantle to get complete fire damage immunity. If you are set on fire dodge-roll 4-5 times in a row to put out the flames. Dodge his melee attacks, he usually attacks 3-4 times in a row per combo, then land some quick attacks. Don’t waste mana on Pluck of Many spell, your clones won’t do much damage because the boss will likely transform into a wheel and then can’t be hit. It’s better to use Immobilize spell, then land a combo on him. For transformation use the Azure Dust. The boss can also deflect your attacks, which he often does when trying to use heavy attacks/varied combos. For this reason use only quick attacks and nothing else. He is annoying to hit because half the fight he rolls around as a wheel but when he’s in human form you can do good damage. He can also throw his weapon which he sometimes does as the4th hit of his combo so look out for that.

Reward:1181 Will, 2 x Yaoguai Core, 1x Refined Iron Sand, Spell Binder (spell)

Old Ginseng Guai

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (89)

Location: Chapter 3> Valley of Ecstasy > Towers of Karma: From this shrine turn left and you’ll see a regular enemy with sickle weapons standing in front of a mural. To the right of him follow the path to the corner of the area, there is what looks like a little stone tower/altar. In front of this on the ground is a plant you can interact with. Pulling the plant from the ground will reveal this boss,it’s actually not a plant at all but this hidden boss buried underground. Note: if you haven’t found Towers of Karma shrine yet, start from Forest of Felicity shrine, go through the Torii Gate to the left, then drop down the left side to the lower area, in the back left side of the lower area is Towers of Karma shrine.


Strategy:Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss defeated. If it’s still alive keep staggering it with quick-attack combos.

Reward:1436 Will, 2x Silk, 1x Cold Iron Leaves, 1x Blood of the Iron Bull, 1x Millenium Ginseng Seed (Seed), Old Ginseng Guai (Spirit)

Captain Kalpa-Wave

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (90)

Location:Chapter 3 > Valley of Ecstasy > Longevity Road: From the shrine go straight and then follow the path to the right. He will be in front of a red-glowing barrier.


Strategy:This boss can only be attacked at its legs, and if you deal enough damage he will fall down and you can attack his head which is the weakspot. He doesn’t have much health. Use Pluck of Many at the start > Immobilize > Transformation > use your Spirit Attack (Wandering Wight preferred, deals a lot of damage in one hit). After all this he should be nearly dead. Just keep attacking the legs with quick-attacks.

Reward:1182 Will, 2x Yaoguai Core, 1x Refined Iron Sand, The Spirit of Captain Kalpa-Wave (Key Item, collect his yellow soul after the fight)

Monk from the Sea

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (91)

Location: Chapter 3 > New Thunderclap Temple > Temple Entrance: From this shrine to the right go through the red gate. Go up the path, then in the courtyard exit through the gate on the left. In the next area in the left corner this boss will spawn. Before some monks that are punching trees. He looks like a big tentacle enemy. He hits very hard and uses frost magic to freeze you. He also drops the Hoarfrost spell.


Strategy: Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation. This enemy hits very hard. Always heal back to full health. If you struggle with it, can come back later after having better equipment (he still spawns after the story). He uses ice magic to freeze you. Having high Freeze Resistance helps, you can upgrade it by giving Mind Cores to Xu Dog.

Reward:Hoarfrost (Spell)


Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (92)

Location:Chapter 3 > New Thunderclap Temple > Temple Entrance: From this shrine keep going straight until you come to an area with two big colossus enemies. Enter the building to the right of them for this boss. There’s also a meditation spot here after you defeat him.


Strategy:Use A Pluck of Many > Immobilize > deal damage > when he unfreezes use Transformation, use heavy attacks until you transform back > use Spirit attack (Wandering Wight) = boss defeated in 20 seconds. If he’s still alive after this use running charged attacks or quick attack combos. Collect his spirit and use the meditation spot afterward.

Reward:890 Will, 1x Yaoguai Core, 1x Refined Iron Sand, Non-Pure (Spirit)

Non-Void (Chief) (Quest Boss)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (93)

Location:Chapter 3 > Found at the end of the Fox’s questline in Chapter 3. 1) AtValley of Ecstasy > Forest of Felicity, there’s a gate with a corpse in front of you, talk to the corpse 3 times to transform into a fox and get the “Snow Fox Brush” / 2) advance story until New Thunderclap Temple. FromNew Thunderclap Temple > Temple Entrance,go straight forward through the next temple, then go up the stairs, then take the left path downstairs, go straight ahead into next building, inside the building go upstairs, from there you can go upstairs over a wooden bridge to a temple. Inside you find the monk you’re looking for. You have to be in fox form to trigger a cutscene and the “Non-Void” boss fight. From the inventory use “Snow Fox Brush” (which was given by the corpse). This transforms you into the fox to get the cutscene with the monk.


Strategy:This boss is very elusive to hit, because he frequently turns into a ghostly silhouette that can’t be hit. The key to success is to deal him lots of damage fast so the fight doesn’t drag on for too long. Use Pluck of Many > quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation. Also buff yourself with Tiger Subduing Pellets (medicine) for more damage. By unloading all your spells you should be able to kill him right away or at least have him at low health. Then keep being aggressive with quick attacks, he will dodge away but eventually when he tries to attack he’s vulnerable. Brute-force him, trade dealing damage for suffering some damage until he’s defeated.

Reward:1174 Will, 1x Tonifying Decoction, 2x Cold Iron Leaves, 1x Blood of the Iron Bull, Non-Void (Spirit)

Yellowbrow + Macaque Chief– CHAPTER 3 ENDBOSS

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (94)

Location: Chapter 3 > New Thunderclap Temple > Mahavira Hall: Directly after this shrine this will be the chapter’s endboss, can’t miss it.

Difficulty:6/10 (at Level 50+ if you did all bosses so far, harder if you rushed the game and are underleveled)

Strategy:Yellowbrow is the Chapter 3 endboss. This is unlike any previous encounter, the fight consists of 3 separate bosses. There are no shrines between the fights, and the third fight is especially challenging. Be sure to load up on as many medicines as you can craft. Ideally: Enhanced Tiger Subduing Pellets (if you don’t have them you can use regular Tiger Subduing Pellets), Longevity Decotion, Evil Repelling Medicament. Keep enough medicine for the third boss encounter. Make sure you crafted any available armor/weapon upgrades to go into the fight as strong as possible. Revisit the Shen Money from Chapter 1 to upgrade your Gourd, revisit the Xu Dog from Chapter 2 to exchange Mind Cores for stat upgrades, put them all into Defense upgrades. Also buy the passive defense skills from skill tree to improve survivability. Recommended spells: Immobilize + A Pluck of Many + Red Tides transformation (for Alteration you can use Cloud Step or Rock Solid whichever you prefer).

Part 1 (Yellowbrow Fight 1): First you fight Yellowbrow in his “weak” form. He uses electricity-based attacks. He takes long breaks between his attacks and is relatively slow. Unleash all your spells, don’t save on mana or healing charges. After this fight all of your mana, healing charges etc. recharge fully. Try to get through it without using medicines, they are better kept for the third boss encounter. Equip Wandering Wight spirit. Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > do quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Transformation. This combo deals massive damage. Then just dodge, land attacks when there’s an opening, wait for Immobilize to recharge and use it again. When Yellowbrow’s health is near zero he will teleport you into a new arena where you fight the Macaque Chief.

Part 2 (Macaque Chief true form): After Yellowbrow teleports you, you have to fight a buffed version of the Macaque chief. He is much stronger than before, does much longer combos, ranged attacks, and has a more aggressive moveset. The good thing is all your healing charges and mana will have fully recharged when entering this fight. As before, usePluck of Many > Immobilize > do quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack >Transformation. Then focus on dodging his full combos and landing some hits, use spells when they have recharged. After this fight you will be transformed into the Macaque Chief and play as him while having to slash through enemies. After walking for a few minutes you reach Yellowbrow again.

Part 3 (Yellowbrow Fight 2): This is the hard version of Yellowbrow. He only has one healthbar but the fight consists of 3 phases, with a cutscene after each phase. Phase 1 ends when he falls below 70% health, Phase 2 ends when he falls below 50%, Phase 3 will be his strongest by far. He will often turn gold and becomes invulnerable to damage. There are two ways to counter this: stagger him twice with heavy charged attacks, or simply wait him out until he transforms back. If you deal damage fast enough he might not have a chance to turn golden at all. Buff yourself with the medicines you brought. Keep most of your healing charges for the third phase, that’s when he is the most aggressive and does the longest combos that are hardest to dodge.

Phase 1: Buff yourself with medicine >Pluck of Many > Immobilize > do 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > do more quick-attack combos. If you are level 50+ you should deal enough damage to bring him below 30% health before he can turn golden. If he does turn golden stagger him with two running heavy attacks and he’ll transform back. If he traps you in an electric circle on the floor you can simply jump out of it.

Phase 2: When the boss charges lightning above his head for an extended period, run away to the edge of the arena. The lightning will explode in a wide radius and deals heavy damage, but if you’re far enough away it can’t hurt you. He will also use ranged electric projectiles more often, dodge them sideways. Other than that keep landing quick-attack combos until the next cutscene triggers where a bat carries you away.

Phase 3: By far the hardest boss phase in the game thus far. If you’ve been going for 100% completion so far you should be sufficiently leveled but if you rushed the game and are below level 40 it can be very challenging. The boss will now use longer combos with his electrically loaded weapon, he often creates electric lines on the floor that shock you when you walk over them, and he also leaves some electric mines on the floor that explode and deal AOE damage. His attacks deal very high damage and he hits many times in a row, all of which must be dodged perfectly or you’ll die if you take 2-3 hits. If you took damage heal back to full health always. Use Transformation immediately at the start of the phase, use the heavy attacks to deal damage. By now your Immobilize spell should have recharged, use that to deal more damage. Then you’ll have to keep dodging everything he throws at you and land quick-attacks or running heavy-attacks whenever he takes a break. When he swings his weapon he usually does 5 hits in a row so be prepared to keep dodging, don’t let your stamina deplete, don’t stop dodging after the third hit. Stay way from the electric lines on the floor.

Reward:1x Cosmo Radiance (weapon material), 3x Cold Iron Leaves, 2x Fine Gold Threat (armor material), 1x Gold Tree Core (weapon material), 2x Refined Iron Sand, 1x Mind Core

The Second Sister

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (95)

Location:Chapter4 > Village of Lanxi > Estate of the Zhu: Directly after this shrine go through the next door to trigger this fight.


Strategy:This boss is a big spider. Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss dead. If it’s still alive, keep doing quick-attack combos and it will quickly die.

Reward:1963 Will, 1x Gold Tree Core (material), 1x Venomous Hair (material)

Elder Amourworm

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (96)

Location: Chapter4 > Webbed Hollow > The Verdure Bridge: To the left of this shrine go over the green bridge, then turn left, then turn right to get a cutscene with the lady, then go through the treasure room on the right (5 golden chests in it). Behind the treasure room is this boss.


Strategy:This boss is a big worm. Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss dead. If it’s still alive, keep doing quick-attack combos and it will quickly die.

Reward:1438 Will, 1x Refined Iron Sand, Proto Amourworm (Key Item)

Venom Daoist (Encounter 1)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (97)

Location:Chapter 4 > Webbed Hollow > Pool of Shattered Jade: To the right of the shrine go up the path to find a big hanging cocoon. Attack it until the Venom Daoist pops out of it. Missable Armor Warning: To get “Venomous Armguard”, you have to destroy the 4 arms of this boss BEFORE killing him. Attack him from behind to destroy his arms.


Strategy:This boss has 6 arms and wields a sword. Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss dead. If it’s still alive, keep doing quick-attack combos and it will quickly die.

Reward:1930 Will

Centipede Guai

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (98)

Location:Chapter 4 > Webbed Hollow > Middle Hollow: From this shrine go forward down the cliffs to find this.


Strategy:This boss is a big centiped. It mostly uses jumping attacks and then smashing down with its shell, simply dodge backwards. At low health it will summon small baby centipedes and then rolls towards you. Dodge it and run away from the baby centipedes until they go away. UsePluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation.

Reward:1958 Will, 1x Knot of Voidness (material), Gold Tree Core (material), Centipede Guai (Spirit)

Buddha’s Right Hand

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (99)

Location:Chapter 4 > Webbed Hollow > Cliff of Oblivion: Directly after this shrine interact with the glowing hand in the next corridor.


Strategy:This boss is a hand in a small corridor. At low health it transforms into a beetle. Due to the corridor being very small it’s easy to hit it. Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss dead. If it’s still alive, keep doing quick-attack combos and it will quickly die.

Reward:1942 Will, 2x Cold Iron Leaves, 1x Fine Gold Thread, Buddha’s Right Hand (material), Past-Echo (Key Item)

Yellow Loong

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (100)

Location:Chapter 4 > Webbed Hollow > Relief of the Fallen Loong: This requires theLoong Scalesfrom Chapter 2 AND you must have defeated the other 3 Loong bosses (Chapter 1: The Red Loong, Chapter 2: Black Loong, Chapter 3: Cyan Loong). Then the Yellow Loong will spawn to the right of the “Relief of the Fallen Loong” shrine. To get here, start atWebbed Hollow > Cliff of Oblivion, go down the broken hand and follow the path until you can drop down the left side to a hanging bridge. Go over it to reach a narrow wooden beam with slashing spider cocoons around it. Use Cloudstep to beam past the spider cocoons and walk over the wooden beam. At the other end you reach the hidden area “Relief of the Fallen Loong”.

Difficulty:5.5/10 (easier if attempting it after the story)

Strategy:This is the last of the four Loong bosses, and he only spawns after beating the other three. He uses a spear and deals shock elemental damage. His fast multi-hit combos are highly lethal, 2-3 hits will kill you, especially the final hit of his combos which creates a small blast. Dodging this is important. Open the fight by unleashing your spells. He has only one phase so no need to keep the spells for later. Use Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Pluck of Many > do quick attacks. When Pluck of Many Ends use Umbral Abyss transformation, when that ends alternate between Cloud Step and Immobilize. If you have trouble with this boss, come back after the story. In Chapter 6 you will automatically get the best armor/weapon in the game, which makes this fight much easier (a 2.5 difficulty with endgame loadout). However, even with that he can still kill you in one combo if you’re not careful. Always heal back to full health if you took damage. Having unlocked the Supreme Gourd during Chapter 5 also helps, it has 10 healing charges.

Reward:Sea-Supporting Tendon (material), Kun Steel (material), 1x Mind Core, 1x Loong Pearl (material), Golden Carp (Curios), Golden Lining (Spell), Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (101)The Sire and Sons (trophy)


Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (102)

Location:Chapter 4 > Webbed Hollow > Lower Hollow:From this shrine turn left and enter the tunnel. On the left there’s a crack in the wall, squeeze through it with Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (103) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (104) to find a meditation spot. To the left of it go through the corridor to find this frog boss.


Strategy:This is a frog boss.Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss dead. If it’s still alive, keep doing quick-attack combos and it will quickly die.

Reward:1441 Will, 1x Refined Iron Sand, 1x Tadpole, 1x Buddha’s Left Hand (material)

Zhu Bajie

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (105)

Location:Chapter 4 > Webbed Hollow > Hut of Immortality: Directly after this shrine you find this boss.


Strategy:This is the little boarcompanionwho ran around with you earlier. The fight consists of 3 phases. Phase 1 & 2 are very easy but Phase 3 is much harder.

Phase 1: Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss dead. The Wandering Wight spirit attack will stagger him.

Phase 2: He will break through the wall left of the shrine, follow him there. Rest at the shrine to recharge your mana. The boss will have another full health bar, the 2nd phase lasts until he falls below 50% which triggers a cutscene. Use the same spell combo as before and he’ll be below 50% health, very easy. Just dodge his first 3 attacks before summoning your Pluck of Many clones.

Phase 3: This is the hard phase. He transforms into a boar to run towards you, then he transforms into mud monsters such as rhinos that run towards you and a big fish-like creature that jumps out of the mud. These deal massive damage if you get hit. And due to the mud your dodges are slower. Just focus on dodging until he goes back to boar form and collapses. Then he is vulnerable to attacks. Use Immobilize and your Transformation to deal damage fast when he is vulnerable. Always heal back to full health if you take damage. You can also consue medicine to buff your attack/critical chance.

Reward:2603 Will (after Phase 1), 2x Fine Gold Thread, Bloody Stained Needle (Key Item), Jade Moon Rabbit (Curios)

Violet Spider

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (106)

Location:Chapter 4 > Webbed Hollow > The Gathering Cave: Automatic story boss in Chapter 4 after this shrine, can’t miss it.

Difficulty:4.5/10 (if you defeated all optional bosses so far, should be level 60+)

Strategy:Before the fight use medicine to buff your stats, especially attack and crit chance to shorten this fight. Dodge the first attack combo, then use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack (make sure it lands, it will stun the boss) more quick-hit combos until boss isn’t staggered anymore > Cloud Step > Transformation. This should take down around 50-80% of the boss’s health. Then just aggro it with quick-attack combos and use Immobilize when it recharged, then the boss should be dead. When it falls below 50% health it will get glowing eyes and lights up the arena. If if shoots webs stay away from those as they make you stick to the floor. The boss uses poison with its melee attacks so watch your health bar at all times, if you are poisoned you will take persistent damage and could die from it, always stay near full health. If you take a hit it’s easy for poison to kill you.

Reward:1x Refined Iron Sand, 1x Spider Leg (material), 2x Fine Gold Thread, 1x Gold Tree Core, unlocks Spider Celestial Staff for crafting

Commander Beetle

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (107)

Location:Chapter 4 > Temple of the Yellow Flower > Forest of Ferocity: After this shrine in the next area where the daoists are practicing. Behind lots of Daoists is this boss.


Strategy:There are two ways to approach this boss: either clear out all Daoists first so you have an easier time with the boss. Or concentrate only on the boss and ignore the other enemies, try to kill him fast with spells. Either way, use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss dead.

Reward:1441 Will, 1x Refined Iron Sand, 1x Knot of Voidness, Commander Beetle (Spirit)


Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (108)

Location:Chapter 4 > Temple of the Yellow Flower > Court of Illumination:from this shrine turn around and go up the stairs directly across. When there’s a split in the path turn right, there’s a mushroom you can pull out of the ground but it’s actually this hidden boss. There’s also a Drink pickup behind this boss.


Strategy:Pluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss dead.

Reward:1435 Will, Monkey-Head Fungus Seed (Seed), 2x Silk, 1x Cold Iron Leaves

Venom Daoist (Encounter 2)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (109)

Location:Chapter 4 > Temple of the Yellow Flower > Court of Illumination: From this shrine turn around and take the path directly across. When there’s a split in the path take the left path. Then you get a cutscene with the Venom Daoist spawning. This only triggers if you defeated him in the first encounter atWebbed Hollow > Pool of Shattered Jade (as outlined above).


Strategy:You have to defeat him twice in a row, each time he has a full health bar. However, he behaves similarly to when you fought him the first time. In each phase he loses two arms. Use your spells to defeat him fast:Pluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss dead. In the 2nd phase you won’t have enough mana left to use Pluck of Mana, just keep using Immobilize when quick-attack combos, dodge his sword attacks.

Reward:1x Gold Tree Core, Secret Area in Chapter 4 unlocked

The Scorpionlord (King) [MISSABLE]

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (110)

Location: Chapter 4 > Secret: Purple Cloud Mountain > Bounds of Deity’s Abode: First, see How to Reach Chapter 4 Secret Area. Found after this shrine, looks like a scorpion on a rooftop drinking alcohol. When you approach he will talk to you. Then you have to destroy the kegs below him to make him angry and trigger the fight. MISSABLE: Must defeat this boss beforetrigger Duskveil boss fight at end of Chapter 4 Secret Area.

Difficulty:6/10 (at Level 70+ if you did all side content so far)

Strategy:The hardest boss in the game so far. He hits extremely hard while dealing persistent poison damage. He will kill you in 2 hits even at Level 70+ (which is the minimum recommended for this fight). If you find it too difficult you can try doing the Chapter 4 Endboss first (but he’s just as difficult), then come back during/after Chapter 5 after having obtained better gear. Before really bothering to fight him, do a few test fights where all you do is dodge his attacks and learn his pattern. This fight may take a few tries and you don’t want to waste medicines until you know how to deal with him. He frequently does a 5-hit tail swipe which deals poison damage. This combo is timed in such a way that you can’t hammer the dodge button repeatedly but must actually time it perfectly for each hit. If you just mash the dodge button you are guaranteed to get killed by this combo, you have to watch carefully and dodge before he hits, which will take some practice. When his claw glows golden he will hit the ground, dodge backwards to avoid it. When he burrows into the ground, watch for a distortion in the ground, that’s where he will pop out of, and run/dodge away at the last moment to avoid it. After he burrows in the ground he likes to grab you with his tail which can kill you in one hit and will leave you poisoned (even if you survive the poison may finish you off before you have a chance to heal). Bring plenty of Antimiasma Powder (medicine to cure poisoning), equip it to the D-Pad quick select. Only get away from the boss to heal, don’t stay way for too long or he’ll pinch you with his tail from afar which takes about 50% of your health in one hit and leaves behindpoison on the ground.

Your best hope is to deal so much damage so quickly that the fight won’t drag on for long. Trying to stay alive for extended periods is tricky in this fight. Before the fight buff yourself with Enhanced Tiger Subduing Pellets (more damage) + Amplification Pellets (more crit chance) + Antimiasma Powder (cures poison). Use Pluck of Many right away> let him miss his first 3 swipes (walk backwards so he won’t do a 4th and 5th swipe) > Immobilize > get close to him and use Wandering Wight spirit attack, it deals massive damage (should be 2500-3000 damage in one hit if it lands critical from behind) > keep attacking with quick attacks. Be aggressive while your clones are alive and deal as much damage as you can, don’t prioritize dodging, with some luck you won’t get hit while performing your combos while he focuses on your clones. If you attack fast enough you can stagger him repeatedly from the final hit of quick-attack combo. After your clones disappear, use Transformation to deal damage. Then use Cloud Step to get close to him and keep doing quick-attacks. Ideally he should be below 20% health so you don’t need to stay alive for very long. But now you are out of spells and have to dodge his combos perfectly. If you get hit once, immediately back away and heal to 100%. A 2nd hit would likely kill you. If you get poisoned keep curing it right away. Overall he doesn’t have too many different attacks so if you did a few practice runs and know when to dodge it’ll be easy to recognize his moves.

Reward:2589 Will, 1x Refined Iron Sand,Sky-Piercing Horn (material), 1x Gold Tree Core, 1x Mind Core, Stained Jade Gourd (Gourd, 7 health charges, massively increases drinking speed)

Daoist Mi (Character) [MISSABLE]

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (111)

Location:Chapter 4 > Secret: Purple Cloud Mountain >Petalfall Hamlet.First, seeHow to Reach Chapter 4 Secret Area.MISSABLE: Must defeat this boss before defeating Duskveil at end of Chapter 4 Secret Area.Daoist Mi is a MISSABLE Secret Boss. From Petalfall Hamlet shrine go up the stairs and he’ll be on the left side, looks like a masked man. He is a quest NPC who asks you to find missing bodies in the village. You have to defeat the yellow-robed enemies in the area until one of them drops the “Violet Hail” key item (random drop). Then give it to Daoist Mi to fight him.


Strategy:This is a two-phase fight, each has a full healthbar. In the first phase you fight him in human form, in the second phase he turns into a spike-head monster and uses poison gas. He doesn’t have very much health and doesn’t hit very hard. His attacks are easy to dodge. Use your spells to defeat him fast. Immobilize, then use Wandering Wight Spirit attack, then Pluck of Many and Cloud Step.

Reward:1469 Will, Violet Hail (Spell), 1x Refined Iron Sand

Duskveil (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (112)

Location: Chapter 4 > Purple Cloud Mountain > Cloudnest Peak: Found at the end of the Chapter 4 Secret Area. WARNING:Entering the boss arena makes The Scorpionlord boss disappear. Beating Duskveil makesDaoist Mi boss disappear.


Strategy:This boss has two phases with two health bars. In the first phase it doesn’t deal much damage. Don’t use your spells yet, keep them for the second phase when the boss is much stronger. Just use quick-attacks on its legs. It’s a big bird, the only dangerous attack is when it stomps on the ground. After its health goes to zero, you get a cutscene and the boss gets more aggressive. Immediately use Pluck of Many to call your clones. It now shoots knives at you, in a straight line as well as from above.Simply run sideways in a big circle at the edge of the arena to avoid all knives. Now rush in, use Immobilize and Wandering Wight spirit attack for massive damage. Keep doing quick-attack combos and dodge the attacks, it might take a few tries to learn the pattern and dodge-timing. Having upgraded your gourd will help to stay alive longer in the 2nd phase (can be done at Shen Monkey in Chapter 1 Bamboo Grove). When Immobilize has rechaged use that. When the boss casts red mist, get away as it deals persistent damage. If you got through the first phase without using mana or healing charges you will have an easier time with the second phase.

Reward:Kun Steel (material), Duskveil’s Horn (material), 2x Gold Tree Core (material), 1x Mind Core, Double-Combed Rooster Blood (Soak), Weaver’s Needle (Vessel)

Hundred-Eyed Daoist Master (King) – CHAPTER 4 ENDBOSS

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (113)

Location: Chapter 4 > Temple of the Yellow Flower > Court of Illumination: Chapter 4 Endboss, can’t miss him.

Difficulty:6.5/10 (at Level 70+)

Strategy:The hardest boss so far. He has a lot of health and hits hard. It is highly recommended being Level 70+ and having done all optional bosses and side content so far, including secret areas. Make sure you redeemed all your gourd upgrade materials at the Shen Monkey in Bamboo Forest (chapter 1 area). Revisit the Xu Dog at Chapter 2 Cellar Shrine to craft celestial upgrades, put all of them into Defense and Shock Resistance (you can respec these for free at any time so can reallocate previous purchases). Equip the Weaver’s Needle (Vessel) which you got from the Chapter 4 Secret area boss “Duskveil”. Equip Wandering Wight spirit for more defense. Other than that make sure you crafted all the best weapon/armor upgrades. Also craft the enough of the following medicines: Evil Repelling Medicament (more defense), Amplification Pellets (more crit chance), Tiger Subduing Pellets / Enhanced Tiger Subduing Pellets (more attack).

Now for the fight itself: When you fight this boss the first time you will be helped by spiders that attack the boss until he is at about 80% health. On subsequent attempts this phase will be skipped and the boss always starts out at 80% health, not full health. The spiders will do most of the work initially, just do quick attacks to deal damage. After the spiders are defeated you are alone against the boss.

Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > quick-attack combo > Transformation to deal him massive damage. Keep your Wandering Wight spirit attack and Weaver’s Needle (vessel) for the last phase.

He will use various shock-based attacks. Be careful when he casts yellow glowing swords around himself, he will shoot them at you, dodge them.The most dangerous move is when he burrows into the ground, then grabs you from below, which deals massive damage. Run and jump/dodge when he’s underground. When he pukes poison in front of him, dodge to his side and attack. When he holds his hand up he will cast a lightning strike from above, dodge repeatedly to get away from the impact area.

When he drops to about 30% health he will glow yellow, then you get a cutscene where he puts a sword down his throat. He now learns some new moves and is more aggressive. He will throw fire at you from his hand, sometimes as a single attack and sometimes as part of a combo. This covers a wide area is deals massive damage and leaves you burned (dodge 5 times to put out the flames). He will use a lot of ground-smashing strikes in his melee combos, infused with lightning, dodge this to the side. Hit him with Wandering Wight spirit for high damage. Then use Weaver’s Needle (from Chapter 4 Secret area boss). When Weaver’s Needle hits him he will exit the yellow-glowing state and gets stunned, follow up with quick-attacks.

Reward:3693 Will, Golden Glowing Eye (material), Celestial Ribbon (material), Fine Gold Thread (material), Gold Tree Core (material), Kun Steel (material), 1x Mind Core, Sky-Piercing Horn (material)

Pale-Axe Stalwart

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (114)

Location:Chapter5 > Woods of Ember > Ashen Pass I: From this shrine go to the next corridor where a lot of bulls and undead soldiers are fighting. A miniboss will spawn here called “Pale-Axe Stalwart”. Defeat him, then talk to him until he repeats the same line of dialogue. He gives you the quest to find all Five Element Carts in Chapter 5.


Strategy:This boss is a bull with an axe.Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss dead.

Reward:After beating him, talk to him to get quest to find all Five Element Carts

Brown-Iron Cart

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (115)

Location:Chapter5 > Woods of Ember > Ashen Pass I: From where you fought Pale-Axe Stalwart go up the stairs to find this boss.


Strategy:This boss is a big cart that spews fire. It’s blocking the path and must be defeated to advance the story. It just has a lot of health but attacks very slowly and is a sitting target, easy to hit. When it spews fire attack it from the side and it won’t hit you. When it hits the ground dodge away, or just take the damage and continue your combos, as it doesn’t deal much damage.

Reward:1768 Will, 2x Silk, 1x Cold Iron Leaves

Father of Stones

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (116)

Location:Chapter5 > Woods of Ember > Height of Ember: Directly after this shrine,on main story path.


Strategy:Pluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss dead.

Reward:1787 Will, 1x Refined Iron Sand, Knot of Voidness (material), Father of Stones (Spirit)

Gray-Bronze Cart

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (117)

Location:Chapter5 > Woods of Ember > Height of Ember: Where you defeated Father of Stones open the gate, then go through the next cave and follow the linear story path to reach this both. It’s blocking off the story path.


Strategy:Same asBrown-Iron Cart.

Reward:1754 Will, 1x Refined Iron Sand

Quick as Fire, Fast as Wind (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (118)

Location: Chapter5 > Woods of Ember > Height of Ember: Automatic story-related boss, unmissable.


Strategy:This is a double-boss, consisting of a rolling head that spews fire and a flying head that uses wind attacks and casts tornadoes. Focus on the rolling fire hear first, it’s easier to hit and the fire all over the floor is a bigger threat to you. Use all your spells to defeat it fast, as well as your spirit attack and vessel. It doesn’t deal too much damage, just roll a few times if you are on fire. Whenever it’s done spewing fire it will just sit on the floor defenseless. When the fire head is gone, evade the flying head’s wind attacks until it drops to the floor, then use Immobilize and quick-attacks to deal lots of damage. Rinse and repeat, always dodging its attacks until it falls to the ground.

Reward:4456 Will, 1x Refined Iron Sand, 1x Gold Tree Core

Flint Chief (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (119)

Location:Chapter 5 > Furnace Valley > Valley Entrance: From this shrine go forward until you reach a lava lake. Go through the lava lake to the left of the main path to find him inside the lava at the end.


Strategy:Be sure to equip & use the Fireproof Mantle (vessel, obtained after beating Chapter 1 Secret Area boss by looting it from hanging corpse in front of third bell). It lets you walk on lava without taking damage. Otherwise you’d need to constantly heal from the fire damage. UsePluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss dead. If it’s still alive keep doing quick attacks.

Reward:1783 Will, 2x Silk, 1x Cold Iron Leaves, Samadhi Fire Crystal (material), Knot of Voidness (material), Flint Chief (Spirit)

Cloudy Mist, Misty Cloud (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (120)

Location: Chapter 5 > Furnace Valley > Valley Entrance: Automatic story boss, unmissable.


Strategy:This is another double boss. You fight a witch that uses ranged spells and a monster that attacks with a fire stick. The witch will sometimes disappear. They don’t have very much health, just kill one of them as fast as possible, then it’s 1v1 which makes it easier.UsePluck of Many > Immobilize > 1 quick-attack combo > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Weaver’s Needle (Vessel) > Cloud Step > Transformation = one boss dead.Then attack the other boss with quick attacks, dodge sideways when they attack, use Cloud Step when it recharges.

Reward:2x ColdIron Leaves, 1x Knot of Voidness, 1x Fine Gold Thread, “Misty Cloud, Cloudy Mist” (Spirit)

Keeper of Flaming Mountains & Yin-Yang Fish

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (121)

Location: Chapter 5 > Furnace Valley > The Emerald Hall:Automatic story-related main boss, found directly after this shrine.


Strategy:This fight consists of two phases, each with a full health bar. The first fight is against a human. He doesn’t have much health but he will fly in the air and summon other mobs to fight you. Defeat the mobs then he will float back down and is open for attack. At the end he will summon a black horse which you must defeat. Then the second phase is against a big fish. Its most dangerous attack is when it shoots fish eggs from above which are hard to avoid and will freeze you in place. The best tactic is to fully heal and just take the damage. Other than that the fish doesn’t deal much damage. It has a lot of health though. Keep using quick-attacks and also your spirit attack and Weaver’s Needle vessel.

Reward:3107 Will, 1x Celestial Ribbon (material), 2x Fine Gold Thread, Yin-Yang Daist Robe (Chest Armor)

Crimson-Silver Cart

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (122)

Location:Chapter 5 > Furnace Valley > The Emerald Hall –Automatic story-related boss, unmissable, found on main path up the stairs.


Strategy:Same as the previous two carts, but this one is driving around and can also spew fire from is wheels. It also deals more damage. Use Pluck of Many > Weaver’s Needle (Vessel) > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss defeated.

Reward:1768 Will, 2x Silk, 1x Cold Iron Leaves

Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (123)

Location: Chapter 5 > Field of Fire > Ashen Pass III: To the right of this shrine pull out the big red mushroom from the ground, it’s this hidden boss.


Strategy: Use Pluck of Many > Weaver’s Needle (Vessel) > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss defeated.

Reward:1786 Will, 2x Silk, 1x Cold Iron Leaves, Earth Spirit Cap (Headgear armor), Knot of Voidness (material), Nine-Capped Lingzhi Seed (Seed), Nine-Capped Lingzhi Guai (Spirit)

Flint Vanguard

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (124)

Location: Chapter 5 > Field of Fire >Fallen Furnace Crater: from Fallen Furnace Crater turn around, backtrack down the path where the big ball was rolling earlier. Halfway down the path, on the left, the rolling ball will have destroyed a barrier. You can now go down the left, follow that new pathto reach this boss, looks like magma rocks.


Strategy:Use Pluck of Many > Weaver’s Needle (Vessel) > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation (Umbral Abyss) = boss defeated.

Reward:2208 Will, 1x Samadhi Fire Crystal, 1x Refined Iron Sand, 1x Knot of Voidness, Flint Vanguard (Spirit)

Mother of Flamlings

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (125)

Location: Chapter 5 >Field of Fire >Fallen Furnace Crater: Just down the path from Flint Vanguard boss. From Fallen Furnace Crater turn around, backtrack down the path where the big ball was rolling earlier. Halfway down the path, on the left, the rolling ball will have destroyed a barrier. You can now go down the left, follow that new pathto reach Flint Vanguard boss. After him go down further until you see a red glowing magma spot on the floor. You can deliver 4 Flame Oreto summon the Mother of Flamlings from this spot. If you die you must deliver it 4 Flame Ore again. Flame Ore is dropped by the enemies in the surroundingarea such as the worms shooting fire at you.


Strategy: Use Pluck of Many > Weaver’s Needle (Vessel) > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation (Umbral Abyss) = boss defeated.

Reward:1756 Will, 1x Samadhi Fire Crystal, 1x Refined Iron Sand, 1x Knot of Voidness,Mother of Flamlings (Spirit)

Rusty-Gold Cart

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (126)

Location:Chapter 5 >Field of Fire >Fallen Furnace Crater:Do the Five Element Carts questline. It will then spawn at the end of the quest, after Fallen Furnace Crater shrine in front of the blue gate (must have completed the quest steps for it to spawn).


Strategy:Use Pluck of Many > Weaver’s Needle (Vessel) > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation (Umbral Abyss) = boss defeated.

Reward:2318 Will, 2x Cold Iron Leaves, 1x Fine Gold Thread, Flame Orb (Curio)

Top Takes Bottom, Bottom Takes Top (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (127)

Location: Chapter 5 >Bishui Cave >Purge Pit: Found in theChapter 5 Secret Area, it’s the first boss there.


Strategy:This is a double boss, consisting of two halves of a rolling spiked ball. Open the fight by using your spells on one enemy. When one of the enemies reaches half health they will form a ball and roll towards you, but this is easy to avoid by running sideways and dodging. Now keep focusing on the enemy that has lower health. It will shell up after you deal enough damage. Then you can focus on the other enemy. This way you don’t have to constantly fight both at the same time. After one is defeated the rest is easy. They will sometimes throw stuff at you and they do melee attacks but those are relatively slow and don’t reach far. If they jump up and smash the ground, simply jump up to avoid the blast.

Reward:4456 Will, 1xRefined Iron Sand, 1x Gold Tree Core

Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (128)

Location: Chapter 5 >Bishui Cave > Corridor of Fire and Ice: Foundat the end of theChapter 5 Secret Area.

Difficulty:5/10 (if coming back in Chapter 6 after collecting the best armor/weapons)

Strategy:Thisis a big fire beast. It helps if you increase your burn resistance at Xu Dog in Chapter 2, Cellar shrine. If you struggle with this boss, the good news is you aren’t far away from collecting the best armor in Chapter 6 for story purposes. So if you want to make it easy simply come back later after getting all the best armor/weapon, then the fight is almost trivial. The boss uses a lot of wild ground-strike attacks and sometimes spews fire at you. It will often leave the floor as lava, so using the Fireproof Mantle will help here (reward from Chapter 1 Secret Area). Unleash all your spells at the start of the fight. Then keep dodging and using your quick attacks until Immobilize recharges. You can also use Body-Cooling Powder medicine to temporarily buff against burn damage.

Reward:3x The Bull King’s Iron Horn, 1x Celestial Ribbon, 1x Bishui Beast Bit, 1x Fine Gold Thread, 1x Mind Core, Daoist’s Basket of Fire and Water (Curio), Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (129)Frost and Flame


Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (130)

Location: Chapter 5 > Field of Fire > Cooling Slope: This can only be reached after unlocking the Chapter 5 Secret Area. First, seeHow to Unlock Chapter 5 Secret Area. On the way to the secret area you will reach the Cooling Slope shrine automatically, it’s directly in front of the secret area entrance. From the Cooling Slope shrine, go through the frozen gate to the secret area (only possible after unlocking secret area), then in the big round area you will find this frog boss on the left side. This is BEFORE actually entering the “Bishui Cave” secret area. Alternatively, after beating the Chapter 5 Secret Area boss “Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast”, you will be teleported back outside and then the frog boss will be to your right.


Strategy:Same as the other frog bosses. This one uses fire attacks.

Reward:1750 Will, 1xRefind Iron Sand, 1x Tadpole

Red Boy (King)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (131)

Location:Chapter 5 > Field of Fire > Fallen Furnace Crater: Directly after this shrine.


Strategy:You will be fighting two bosses in a row: Red Boy & Yaksha King. Red Boy is the weaker one. He doesn’t have particularly much heath at this point in the game. Overpower him with your spells and vessels.Use Pluck of Many > Weaver’s Needle (Vessel) > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation. This should bring him to half health. At half health he will fly up in the air and then creates clones that fly towards you and explode on impact, leaving behind fire on the ground. Dodge when they accelerate towards you. This is actually his most dangerous attack. After all clones are gone he smashes onto the ground where you are. Then he’s back to his regular melee attacks, which aren’t too powerful. Keep chipping away at him with light attacks or running charged attacks.

Reward:4356 Will

Yaksha King (King) – CHAPTER 5 ENDBOSS

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (132)

Location: Chapter 5 > Field of Fire > Fallen Furnace Crater: After beating Red Boy boss.


Strategy:Yaksha King boss triggers immediately after Red Boy without a break. However, if you die you won’t have to defeat Red Boy again, which makes it a lot more manageable. His main attack is a series of sword swipes, which deal a lot of damage. Having upgraded your Defense & Health as much as possible helps a lot (via skill points and giving Mind Cores to Xu Dog at Chapter 2 Cellar shrine). This boss doesn’t have as much health as previous Chapter Endbosses. Buff yourself with medicine then unleash all your spells and you should take down 70% of his health before he has a chance to attack you at all.Use Pluck of Many > Weaver’s Needle (Vessel) > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation. When he gets to lower health he will grab you which causes a short cutscene. Then he’s back to doing more of his melee swipes. His attack pattern doesn’t change which also makes this one of the easier chapter endbosses. Keep dodging his swipes, always heal back to full health if you get hit, do quick-attack combos after dodging. You can also deal him good damage with charged heavy attacks while running, although it’s a bit risky as he might hit you mid-attack, but if he’s at low health and you have lots of healing charges left you can afford to play more aggressively.

Reward:4466 Will, 1x Fine Gold Thread, 1x Celestial Ribbon, 2x Gold Tree Core, 1x Kun Steel, 1x Mind Core, Yaksha Armor Set unlocked for crafting

Supreme Inspector (Character)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (133)

Location:Chapter6 > Foothills > Verdant Path

Difficulty:6/10 (Level 80+ recommended)

Strategy:This boss has a lot of health and he constantly attacks non-stop. He can fly and when he is on the ground either uses a burning wheel which damages you when going near him or he deflects your attacks with his wings. This makes him extremely annoying to hit because you spend 90% of the time dodging, and when you do have a chance to attack can usually only land one or two quick attacks which doesn’t do much damage. It’s one of the longest fights in the game so far that requires more dodging than any previous fight. The good thing is that his attacks don’t deal much damage. Your best bet is to shorten the fight as much as possible by increasing your attack. Craft the full “Yaksha” armor set that unlocked from the Chapter 5 endboss. With all 4 pieces you deal +25% damage, the downside is you also take 30% more damage, but all fights will be over 25% faster so it’s worth it. For this fight rely mostly on your Immobilize spell. DON’T use Pluck of any or Cloud Step/Rock Solid.ONLY use Immobilize +Umbral AbyssTransformation+ Wandering Wight Spirit + Weaver’s Needle vessel. Buff yourself using medicine before the fight, especially with Amplification Pellets + Tiger Subduing Pellets for more damage output, shortening the fight. After he does his first attack (leaping towards you), use Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack (deals lots of damage). Dodge the feathers he throws at you, then use the Umbral Abyss Transformation (monkey), use quick attacks and its Cold Resolution spell ( Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (134) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (135) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (136) + Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (137) ), then keep using quick attacks. This deals a lot of damage! You want to use this early in the fight so that it can recharge for a second use later in the fight. Afterward use the Weaver’s Needle, it will home in one the boss to damage him while you dodge his attacks.

When he uses the burning wheel just keep dodging it. Wait until he stops using it, then attack with quick attacks. Avoid heavy attacks, they are too slow for this fight. When he is at close range he will often parry with his wings. After he parries he will strike twice with his wings. Learn the timing, dodge the first wing strike then land a quick attack, dodge the second wing strike, then keep attacking.

When he swipes his sword just dodge this, then attack him afterward. When he flies up and smashes on the ground dodge away. When he summons red lines or wheels from the ground they will spread out across the arena, run away from him to make these easier to dodge.

After he falls to about 30% health he will grab you and creates a circle of fire around you. This is the most annoying part of the fight because the playable space gets much smaller and touching the fire will burn you. He will often fly outside the fire, then you can’t reach him at all and you just have to patiently dodge his attacks until he lands inside the arena and does melee attacks. Immobilize is your friend here. Use it whenever it recharged to deal damage. By this point your Transformation should also be recharged, use it when he’s not flying around and when he’s not using the wheel, you can land a lot of damage while in the monkey transformation. Because you haven’t used other spells you will have plenty of mana to repeatedly use Immobilize throughout the fight. What also makes this annoying that it takes so long to get to his second phase where he casts the ring of fire and this is the hardest part of the fight. If you feel this fight is too difficult, spend some time grinding XP by defeating other enemies and cleaning up what you missed. The remaining bosses are even harder so it’s better to spend an hour leveling up than getting stuck for an hour. You should be at least Level 80+.

Reward:3596 Will, 1x Celestial Ribbon, Ascension Power (Formula), 2x Fine Gold Threa,d 2x Gold Tree Core, 1x Mind Core, Somersault Cloud (Spell)

Jiao-Loong of Waves

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (138)

Location: Chapter 6 >Foothills > Verdant Path: After you unlock the spell to fly on a cloud, fly straight down from the cliffs to the pool in front of you (below cliffs). Dismount from the cloud and walk around this pool, the boss will jump out of the water. He’s not visible from afar, onlyappears from the water after you reach the pool’s surface.


Strategy: Use Pluck of Many > Weaver’s Needle (Vessel) > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss defeated.

Reward:2020 Will, 1x Cold Iron Leaves, Waterward Orb (Curio), 1x Fine Gold Thread (material), 1x Mind Core

Poison Chief (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (139)

Chapter 6 > There are multiple of these bosses, each gives a Mind Core for upgrading your stats.

Location #1:Chapter 6 > Foothills > Verdant Path: After you unlock the spell to fly on a cloud, stay on the upper plateau and fly left until you reach a small pond area with a quadratic rock sitting on a meadow. Dismount the cloud and go near the rock, it’s a boss. Looks like a rock that throws poison balls after you go near it (initially just looks like a quadratic rock). This is on the left/west of the upper plateau, BEFORE flying down to the big lake area.

Location #2:Chapter 6 > Foothills > Verdant Path: After you unlock the spell to fly on a cloud, stay on the upper plateau and flyright, stick to the right wall/edge of the area, stay on the upper plateau (don’t fly down to the big lake). You will reach a brown soil area (no green trees like the rest of area). There you find a quadratic rock, approach it to reveal this hidden boss.

Location #3: Chapter 6 > Foothills > Deer Sight Forest: From this shrine turn around and fly near the mountain side to find this boss below, just like the others it looks like a big rock.


Strategy: Use Pluck of Many > Weaver’s Needle (Vessel) > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss defeated.

Reward:2017 Will, 1x Cold Iron Leaves, 1x Fine Gold Thread, 1x Mind Core (*same drops for each spawn of this boss)

Water-Wood Beast (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (140)

Location:Chapter 6 > Foothills > Verdant Path: After you unlock the spell to fly on a cloud, this hidden boss is found in the back left corner of the lower lake area (the side from where you come from Verdant Path, not the far corner in the distance). Fly to the left/west of the area and you will see a disturbance in the water, the boss pops out of there.


Strategy:Use Pluck of Many > Weaver’s Needle (Vessel) > Immobilize > Wandering Wight spirit attack > Cloud Step > Transformation = boss defeated.

Reward:2040 Will, 2x Refined Iron Sand, 1x Mind Core

Son of Stones (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (141)

Location:Chapter 6 > Foothills > Verdant Path: After you unlock the spell to fly on a cloud, fly straight forward to the cliffs at the end of the area past the big lake. On the cliff sits a big monster, its head is glowing green which makes it easy to see from afar, it’s this boss.


Strategy:First, attack the boss from behind until he stands up. He will try to push you away, use Immobilize and land one quick-attack combo and he’ll stand up. When the boss starts charging up the ground with green lightning, run away or transform to Umbral Abyss to tank the damage. Afterward the boss falls to the ground for a long time, then he’s an easy sitting target and will die fast.

Reward:2043 Will, 1x Cold Iron Leaves, 1x Fine Gold Thread, 1x Mind Core

Lang-Baw-Baw (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (142)

Location: Chapter 6 > Foothills > Verdant Path: After you unlock the spell to fly on a cloud, fly down to the big lake in the lower area. Then fly to the back right corner (the corner closest to the cliff where you started, not the corner at other end of lake). This frog boss will spawn there. Looks like a brown area in corner of the lake. Dismount from the cloud to see the boss.


Strategy:This frog gets a stone armor after taking some of its health. It will then deflect any hit. The best strategy here is to use the Umbral Abyss transformation to deal some damage while waiting for it to transform back. If Umbral Abyss ends, use running heavy attacks, as they deal the most damage in one hit. After a 1-2 minutes the frog will turn back to its normal form, then it is an easy target. Unleash all your spells at it kill it fast.

Reward: 2670 Will, 2x Cold Iron Leaves, Celestial Birthstone Fragment (Curio), Fine Gold Thread (material), Tadpole (material)

Giant Shigandang

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (143)

Location: Chapter 6 > Foothills > Verdant Path: After you unlock the spell to fly on a cloud, fly straight forward to the cliffs at the end of the area past the big lake.Behind where you fight the Son of Stones boss, keep flying to the end of the upper area until you reach the end. Then turn right to find a narrow canyon entrance to the right, follow this to the end to find this giant rock monster. Its opposite the waterfall cave where you have to go for story purposes after collecting all 4 mythical armor pieces from the Chapter 6 bosses. To spawn this boss you must have found all 4 Skandhas.


Strategy: Stay in front of him, stay out of his attack range. When he puts his fists on the floor run there quickly and use quick attacks to destroy the blue crystals on his hands. Rinse and repeat. When he’s defeated climb up his arm for a cutscene and the last Skandha. Sometimes he creates shockwaves, you can jump over them. If he smashes his hands on the floor two times in a row to create shockwaves he will be stunned afterward for about 30 seconds, use this moment to attack. Don’t go on his side, he will just swing his legs around and is hard to attack. Stay in front of him, always slightly out of range (close enough that he is baited into attacking, far enough that he can’t hit you).

Reward:Skandha of Consciousness (Key Item),

Gold Armored Rhino (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (144)

Location: Chapter 6 > Foothills > Rhino Watch Slope: After you unlock the spell to fly on a cloud, stay on the upper plateau and fly right until you reach the edge of the area, looks like a brown area without trees. When you approach you automatically get a cutscene, this is one of the mandatory story bosses that you must defeat to collect all armor pieces, so can’t miss him. This is BEFORE flying down to the big lake area. It looks like a big rhino with gold armor on its back, has a lot of health.

Difficulty:6.5/10 (Level 80+ recommended)

Strategy:This is a big rhino, it has very high defense and a lot of health, and it usesshock attacks. To make it easier you can respec your Mind Cores at the Xu Dog and put everything into Shock Resistance, Defense, Health. The key to victory is to destroy the Rhino’s horn as fast as possible. Then it’s very weak and vulnerable to damage. Use Pluck of Many > Immobilize > Weaver’s Needle (vessel) > Umbral Abyss transformation (monkey), use its heavy attacks to hit the horn. This should quickly destroy the horn. By using this series of spells you should get the Rhino below 50% health. It will grow back its horn, but you can wait for the Umbral Abyss to recharge and then break the horn again with it. When the rhino runs towards you dodge out of the way. Use Immobilize whenever it recharged. When trying to attack the Rhino from behind it will kick you and it suffers very little damage. It’s better to attack its horn, even though it deflects each attack you deal more damage and when the horn breaks you can deal the real damage. One of the more annoying fights in the game be cause of how much health the boss has but if you patiently wait for Umbral Abyss to recharge it’s not too bad. Buy the skill that increases Might Recovery Speed. Craft the full Yaksha armor set to deal 25% more damage (you will also take 30% more damage but it shortens the boss fights so is still worth it).

Reward:Gold Suozi Armor (Mythical Chest Armor), 2732 Will, 2x Cold Iron Leaves, 1x Fine Gold Thread, 1x Mind Core

Cloudtreading Deer (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (145)

Location: Chapter 6 > Foothills > Deer Sight Forest: after unlocking the flying cloud, fly forward over the big lake and to the right, where you see red trees.

Difficulty:6.5/10 (Level 80+ recommended)

Strategy:This boss has two phases with a full health bar each. It’s a deer, in the first phase it uses Chill element attacks, in the second phase it uses blood attacks. Luckily, the boss doesn’t have much health. The trouble is that it uses a lot of whirlwinds that home in on you and deal a lot of damage. It also uses various projectiles such as snowballs. Most of the fight you will be dodging. The first phase is easier, save your spells for the second phase. In the first phase, when it falls below 70% health it will cast the tornados. Wait for the deer to jump a round in the air and smash onto the ground. Then it is vulnerable. If the tornados get close to you run away and wait for the Deer to follow you. In the second phase it will use blood-based attacks. Now use all your spells to deal a lot of damage quickly, this should take down 50% of its health or so. Then keep using quick attacks. It helps to respec your Mind Cores at the Xu Dog for Chill Resistance.

Reward:Lotus SIlk Cloudtreaders (Mythical Leg Armor), 2692 Will, 2x Cold Iron Leaves, 1x Fine Gold Thread, 1x Mind Core

Feng-Tail General (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (146)

Location: Chapter 6 > Foothills > Mantis-Catching Swamp: After you unlock the spell to fly on a cloud, you can find a big grasshopper jumping through the lake area. Fly to its head with the cloud, then dismount and press Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (147) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (148) to hold on to its feelers.

Difficulty:1/10 (Level 80+ recommended)

Strategy:This boss is a little puzzle rather than a real fight. Find the grasshopper that jumps around the lake area. Fly over it on the cloud, land on its head, hold on with Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (149) / Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (150) . You need enough stamina to hold on until it stops jumping. I had 350 stamina when I did it. You can increase Staina by spending Mind Cores at Xu Dog in Chapter 2 Cellar shrine.After it stops jumping, hold onto it again to burn its feelers in one go until it dies. For this you need high burn resistance and a lot of health. I had 765 health and over 50 burn resistance (you can visit Xu Dog at the Chapter 2 shrine “Cellar” to reset your Celestial Blessings and redistribute your Mind Cores to Burn Resistance & Health). There is no actual boss fight here, it’s just a test that you have enough health & burn resistance to qualify for the remaining bosses. You can also use the Medicine “Body-Cooling Powder” to temporarily increase burn resistance. If you don’t have enough burn resistance you will die. Holding on to it repeatedly won’t kill it, you have to hold on long enough in one go to kill it.

Reward:Golden Feng-Tail Crown (Mythical Headgear Armor)

Emerald-Armed Mantis (Chief)

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (151)

Location: Chapter 6 > Foothills > Mantis-Catching Swamp: After you unlock the spell to fly on a cloud, fly to the top left corner of the lower lake area. There is a big yellow tree. When you approach you get a cutscene that triggers this boss fight. If it doesn’t spawn, make sure you defeated the other 3 story bosses in the area for their mythical armor pieces (Gold Armored Rhino, Cloudtreading Deer, Feng-Tail General). Note: if you die during this boss, talk toZhu Bajie again who stands in front of the shine, he sends you back to the boss arena.

Difficulty:5.5/10 (Level 80+ recommended)

Strategy:This is a praying mantis boss. It uses its claws to slice at you. It has two phases but only one health bar. At 60% health it transforms into its blood form. It then gets more aggressive and does longer combos. Luckily, its slice attacks are paragraphed by a red windup trail, making it easy to recognize the attacks. Most of its attacks don’t reach very far so simply dodge backward and you’ll await most of it. The trouble is that it attacks pretty much constantly. Keep your spells for its second phase, then throw everything at it that you got to deal damage fast. Then keep dodging and wait for Immobilize & Transformation to recharge. Try to land quick attack hits between its combos.

Note: if you die during this boss, talk toZhu Bajie again who stands in front of the shine, he sends you back to the boss arena.

Reward:Dian-Cui Loong-Soaring Bracers (Mythical Arms Armor), 2693 Will, 1x Cold Iron Sand, 1x Gold Tree Core, 1x Mind Core

Stone Monkey & The Great Sage’s Broken Shell – STORY ENDBOSS

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (152)

Location:Final story boss, unmissable. After collecting the 4 mythical armor pieces from Gold Armored Rhino, Cloudtreading Deer, Feng-Tail General, Emerald-Armed Mantis, go to the waterfall cave in the northwest of the area above the lake (behind where you fight the Son of Stones boss fly straight forward and then left). This leads to a waterfall cave. With all 4 mythical armor pieces equipped you will trigger a cutscene, then you get the mythical weapon to complete the set. Then follow the path in this cave and go up the mountain, many spearmen will spawn along the way but it’s a linear path so can’t make a wrong turn. At the end you reach the game’s endboss.

Difficulty:6/10 (Level 85+ recommended)

Strategy:This is the final boss in Black Myth: Wukong. It has 4 phases. After the first 2 phases there’s a checkpoint. So if you die during the 3rd/4th phase you will restart from the 3rd phase each time. From story progress you will have the full Mythical Armor Set and Mythical Weapon unlocked, make sure you have all these equipped, it’s the best set in the game. Craft enough medicines, especially Tiger Subduing Pellets + Evil Repelling Medicament + Amplification Pellets. Revisit Xu Dog and put all Mind Cores into Defense + Health + Burn Resistance. The boss uses two Elements: Burn damage & Frost damage. However, it only uses Frost Damage in the second phase and it doesn’t deal too much damage. It uses Fire in all 4 phases (shockwaves in first two phases, ring of fire in las two phases). So it’s better to prioritize fire resistance.

Phase 1 (Stone Monkey): Here you fight the Stone Monkey alone. It doesn’t have much health and is easy to dodge. Its most dangerous attack is when it creates fire shockwaves on the ground, dodge through them. They spread out like rings. Save all your spells for the second phase.

Phase 2 (Two Stone Monkeys): In the second phase it will call a clone. You now have to dodge and damage two of these bosses at the same time. Use all your spells on one of them to kill it fast. After a short while one of the clones should disappear. Then it’s back to 1v1. The Stone Monkeys don’t have very much health and don’t deal too much damage.

Phase 3 (The Great Sage’s Broken Shell, weak form): You now fight a different form of this boss, looks like a copy of yourself. It uses a moveset similar to yours. The good news is that there’s a checkpoint at the start of this phase. Just let yourself die to respawn with full health and mana. This will make the last two phases easier. Save all your spells for the 4th phase. Use only quick-attacks and dodge. Since most of the attacks are similar to your own they are easy to recognize and to dodge. The boss doesn’t have a lot of health in its 3rd phase so this shouldn’t last long.

Phase 4 (The Great Sage’s Broken Shell, strong form): Same boss as in 3rd phase but it gets a new full healthbar and has more health overall. It can also drink from gourd to heal itself, but if you attack it this will be stopped. At the start of this phase use all your spells for fast damage. Then concentrate on dodging cleanly and landing quick-attacks between dodges. If the boss creates a ring of fire, get out of there as it will burn you and buffs the boss. When he flies on a cloud towards you, dodge away or he’ll grab you which deals lots of damage. If he turns into stone to deflect your attack, if you hit him he will always try to grab you twice, dodge back to avoid it. Its staff attacks are similar to the 3rd phase, but he does more strikes in a row. With the Mythical armor your spells recharge faster each time you land a critical hit, this will let you use Immobilize more frequently. Try to push the boss into the invisible walls at the edge of the arena, he’s easier to hit then because he can’t dodge backwards, lure him there. This phase is a test of patience, you have to dodge most attacks cleanly to survive long enough. It may take a few tries but after you learn the attack pattern and dodge timing it’s not too bad.

Reward:Story Complete

Secret True Endboss: Erlang, the Sacred Divinity + The Four Heavenly Kings + Erlang Shen

Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (153)

Location:From doing theSecret Ending


Strategy:The Secret Endboss version of Erlang is the hardest boss in the game. You should first have collected the full Mythical Armor Set + Weapon from Chapter 6 (all of these are automatic story-related unlocks on the way to the regular endboss). You can also craft Mythical Armor Set pieces from the materials you obtain of theChapter 5 Secret AreaBoss“Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast”, these pieces have better defense stats. If you equip 3 pieces of the Bulls’s set and 3 pieces of the Chapter 6 set you get bonuses from each set which helps a bit. Erlang uses Shock magic, so visit Xu Dog and respec your Mind Cores all into Defense + Health + Shock Resistance + Stamina Recovery Speed.

You will fight 3 bosses in a row: Erlang >The Four Heavenly Kings > Erlang Shen. Erlang is the only hard one, the last two fights are easier. Erlang has multiple phases but only 1 healthbar.

Before going into this fight, equip the best medicines you have. Make a save game backup if you can, if you waste all your medicine you can copy it back to have the medicine back (only do this if you know what you’re doing). Erlang will frequently do animations to throw you back while you attack. There’s no way to avoid this, but luckily it doesn’t hurt you (only interrupts your combo). For Transformation equip the “Golden Lining” (dropped by Yellow Loong boss). This is good for dodging and it attacks quickly. It’s best to use in combination with the Curio “Celestial Birthstone Fragment” (from Lang-Baw-Baw boss in Chapter 6), which ignores his elemental resistances. When you use Transformation he will either transform into a tiger or an owl, if he hits you he will instantly end your transformation. You have to dodge his initial attack, then attack him so he transforms back to human form. While Transformed do 3 quick attacks followed by 2 light attacks, rinse and repeat to keep a long combo going. Continue to dodge his attacks while transformed.

Phase 1 (until Erlang reaches 70% health) – Erlang has an “poise” bar above his health. This depletes when you attack him while he blocks. If you bring this bar to zero he will be very vulnerable to combos and stops blocking. If he blocks just keep attacking with quick-attack combos. You won’t do much damage but it breaks his poise. Dodge his first 3 attacks > use Immobilize > Wandering Wight Spirit attack. This will deal some good damage right away. DON’T use Pluck of Many during this fight, it consumes too much mana. Only use Cloud Step, Immobilize, Transformation. Learn to dodge his first phase attacks, land quick-attack combos to bring him to 70% health fast. In this phase he mostly uses regular spear attack combos while summoning a black animal, but itdoesn’t deal much damage if you get hit. His spear strikes are relatively easy to dodge at this point. Try to land one quick hit between dodges to build up your combo. At 70% health he starts glowing yellow and flies up.

Phase 2 (after Erlang falls below 70% health) – When he glows yellow he will stun you if you’re near him. He then flies in the sky and throws a huge hammer at you. Dodge sideways before it hits the ground. He then drops down and creates a shockwave, dodge/jump backwards to evade it. Then use Cloud Step to rush in and land an attack, follow up with Quick-Attack combo. Cloud Step always stuns him and interrupts his combo which makes it very useful for this fight. Erlang’s combos become more varied in this phase. He will alternate between his Spear, Axe, and various Ranged Attacks. After dealing him some more damage he will always fly up, he duplicates and shoots yellow laser eyes at you – keep dodging sideways to evade these. He follows up by firing lasers straight at you – run sideways at the edge of the arena to evade them all (don’t try to dodge, the lasers can hit you after the dodge). After shooting lasers he will either jump on the ground and create a red electric blast (dodge sideways) or he will shoot a powerful laser beam straight at you. The laser beam is the most dangerous attack. If you got hit by the previous lasers and you get hit by the big lasers it’ll likely kill you. Dodging this laser is also tricky because it shoots at you very fast. Your best bet is to not get hit by the smaller lasers which are easy to avoid by just running sideways without dodging. Try to dodge the big laser, even if you get hit you should survive if you weren’t hit before. Immediately heal back to full health after he does this. Just remember to run sideways whenever he flies in the air to avoid the lasers small lasers (don’t try to dodge them, too risky). When he’s back on the ground he will use very long and sometimes unpredictable combos. Focus on dodging his full combo, don’t bother landing hits between dodges as it’s too risky. After he finishes a full combo you can rush in and attack. He will again block this until his poise is depleted (the bar above his health). But you still do some decent damage. When Cloud Step has recharged use it to break his combos. Use Immobilize when he starts or finishes a combo, don’t waste it while he’s in the air as you might not be able to hit him there. When he creates a cluster of white lines get away, those are daggers that will slice you. If he flies up he will always do ranged attacks (if he doesn’t shoot lasers he usually shoots knives). This fight is mainly about pattern recognition and dodging correctly. Out of any boss he has the longest and most varied combos, hits extremely hard, and hasthe most health/defense.

Phase 3 (The Four Heavenly Kings) – You will transform into a big ape and fight 4 other giants. Use quick attacks to build up might, use heavy attacks to heal. The more might points you use on a heavy attack the more you will heal at once. Turn to Stone to block incoming attacks, other than that use quick attacks.

Phase 4 (Erlang Shen) – Same as the third phase, you will be a big ape, but now you face Erlang in his giant transformation. He hits harder than the four enemies before him. But you can keep healing by using heavy attacks after building up might points in the bottom right corner of the screen. You’ll want to also dodge his attacks and turn to stone, if you get hit too much he can deal significant damage. After taking some of his health there will be a scripted even where he burns you and you lose all health, it won’t kill you, instead you become “awakened”, your attacks get stronger and you go back to full health. Then keep repeating what you were doing to finish him off.

Reward:Azure Dome (Spell), 2x Celestial Ribbon, 1x Kun Steel, Tri-Point Double-Edged Spear (Weapon), Black Myth: Wukong Boss Guide - All Bosses (154)Meet the Match (trophy)

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Name: Edwin Metz

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